A very emotional ceremony as we dedicate Alexandre Look Place in Côte Saint-Luc
September 09, 2024
Last winter, several months after long-time Côte Saint-Luc resident Alexandre Look was murdered by Hamas terrorists on October 7, I got a call from Mayor Mitchell Brownstein. He and his wife Elaine knew the Look family very well as their eldest son Andrew grew up with Alex.
“How can we properly honor Alex’s memory,” the mayor asked,
As the city councillor responsible for Toponymy (Naming Opportunities), I immediately zeroed in on a large piece of greenspace in my District 2, sandwiched between Bialik High School and Beth Chabad CSL. We had been looking for a name there for a few years. Sadly, this was the perfect match. Alex had attended Bialik and he also frequented Beth Chabad CSL.
Alexandre Look grew up in Côte Saint-Luc, attended Bialik High School, was a frequent visitor at the Parkhaven Pool, the Cavendish Mall, and played numerous sports. As a child, Alex was very protective of his younger sister Kayla, and as he grew, he would extend that sense of duty to protect all those in need.
On Monday night, September 9 (the eve of what would have been his 34th birthday), we formally dedicated Alexandre Look Place. Our Director of Public Works Beatrice Newman prepared the grounds beautifully. Associate City Manager Tanya Abramovitch met with the family and ensured the property was adequately prepared. And Darryl Levine, our Director Public Affairs and Communications, handled the branding, signage and wording on the inscription on the large plaque.
I will share below the wording expertly pieced together by Darryl.
Alexandre Look grew up in Cote Saint-Luc, attended Bialik High School, was a frequent visitor at the Parkhaven Pool, the Cavendish Mall, and played numerous sports. As a child, Alex was very protective of his younger sister Kayla, and as he grew, he would extend that sense of duty to protect people in need. He had numerous friends and coached many to achieve direction in their lives.
Alex had a larger-than-life presence, with unmatched charisma and generosity leaving a mark not only on the community, but the many places he would travel and live. A real bon-vivant with an entrepreneurial spirit, he spoke six languages and was a gifted a salesman, eventually opening his own cosmetics shops in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
Alex was immensely proud of his Jewish heritage and would visit Israel during the summer months. During his trip in 2023, Alex extended his stay to attend the Supernova Music Festival in the Negev desert of southern Israel. When hundreds of rockets were fired from Gaza in the early morning of October 7, Alex and his friends sought urgent refuge in a bomb shelter nearby at Kibbutz Be'eri, where nearly 40 others were hiding. Hamas terrorists soon arrived and began firing indiscriminately on civilians. Without hesitation, Alex placed himself at the entrance of the shelter, putting himself in harm’s way to protect friends and strangers alike. When a terrorist tried to enter, Alex fought the attacker and was murdered using his body as a shield to save others. Miraculously, eight people survived due to his act of bravery.
Alex’s ultimate act of heroism stands as a testament to his unyielding spirit and lifelong dedication to others. His fearless protection of friends and strangers and his legacy of compassion serve as powerful reminders of his remarkable life and the enduring impact of his heroism. His memory will live on in the countless lives he touched and forever inspire strength and unity in our community and beyond.
The City of Côte Saint-Luc mourns the loss of Alexandre Look and the numerous innocent lives lost on that tragic day.
“This was home to Alex in all of its formative years,” said Mayor Brownstein.
Israel’s Consul General Paul Hirschson admitted that he did not know Alex, yet he has become intimately familiar with him over the past 11 months via his parents Alain and Raquel. “”We mourn Alex and we celebrate him at the same time.”
Mount Royal Liberal MP Anthony Housefather was in British Columbia at party caucus, but he sent a message in which he told the parents “ your son was a hero. You know that already. But it needs to be repeated.”
D’Arcy McGee Liberal MNA Elisabeth Prass added “those lives Alex saved by being a human shield showed the values he was raised with.”
Alain Look told me that he and his wife recently moved back to Côte Saint-Luc. “I think Alex was looking over, telling us to make this move,” he said.
Added Raquel: “This is a place that holds profound significance to our family. This represents more than just a greenspace. This place will serve as a beacon of hope.”
Federation CJA President and CEO Yair Szlak, a stalwart in the community since the October 7 attacks, said “we still have not had a chance to mourn what happened on October 7.”
You can watch the entire ceremony here
The Gazette
CTV News
CBC News
City News
Alexandre (Coco) Abraham Look
Alexandre Look a grandi à Côte Saint-Luc, où il a fréquenté l’école secondaire Bialik. On le voyait souvent à la piscine Parkhaven et au mail Cavendish, et il participait à beaucoup d’activités sportives. Enfant, Alex était très protecteur à l'égard de sa jeune sœur Kayla et, en grandissant, il a étendu ce sens du devoir à la protection des personnes dans le besoin. Il avait de nombreux amis et en a accompagné plusieurs pour qu’ils trouvent un sens à leur vie.
Alex avait une présence plus grande que nature. Son charisme et sa générosité inégalés ont laissé une trace non seulement dans la communauté, mais aussi dans les nombreux endroits où il a voyagé et vécu. Véritable bon vivant à l'esprit d'entreprise, il parlait six langues et était un vendeur hors pair, qui avait fini par ouvrir ses propres boutiques de cosmétiques à Cabo San Lucas, au Mexique.
Alex était extrêmement fier de ses origines juives et il aimait se rendre en Israël pendant l’été. Pendant son voyage en 2023, Alex a prolongé son séjour pour assister au festival de musique Supernova dans le désert du Negev, dans le sud d’Israël. Lorsque des centaines de roquettes ont été tirées depuis Gaza au petit matin du 7 octobre, Alex et ses amis se sont réfugiés d'urgence dans un abri anti-bombes situé à proximité, au kibboutz Be'eri, où se cachaient près de 40 autres personnes. Les terroristes du Hamas sont arrivés rapidement et ont commencé à tirer sans discrimination sur les civils. Sans hésiter, Alex s’est placé à l’entrée de l’abri, se mettant en danger pour protéger des amis autant que des étrangers. Quand un terroriste a tenté d'entrer, Alex a combattu l'attaquant et il a été tué en utilisant son corps comme bouclier pour sauver d'autres personnes. Par miracle, huit personnes ont survécu grâce à son acte de bravoure.
L’ultime acte d’héroïsme d’Alex témoigne de sa détermination et de son dévouement aux autres tout au long de sa vie. Sa protection téméraire d'amis et d'étrangers et son héritage de compassion sont autant de rappels de sa vie remarquable et de l'impact durable de son héroïsme. Son souvenir restera gravé dans les innombrables vies qu'il a touchées et inspirera à jamais la force et l'unité au sein de notre communauté et au-delà.
La Ville de Côte Saint-Luc pleure la perte d'Alexandre Look et des nombreuses vies innocentes perdues lors de cette journée tragique.