The City of Côte Saint-Luc will sell its old street signs to the public starting October 19 with all proceeds going to support Côte Saint-Luc Emergency Medical Services (EMS).
Côte Saint-Luc installed new, larger signs this summer, which replaced the old black-on-white and black-on-yellow signs. The city is selling only the black-on-white signs.

"When we announced that we were installing new street signs, many residents asked me if they could buy the old ones, as is done in many cities. As the council member responsible for toponymy and communications. I had our Public Affairs and Communications Department research the way cities went about selling old street signs and developed a plan and pricing that I think residents will like.
Starting Monday, October 19, the public can buy old street signs at the Public Works Department Building (7001 Mackle Rd.) from Monday to Thursday from 8am to 3pm and Friday from 8am to 11:30am. From October 19 to 23, the cost per street sign is $50. From October 26 to November 6, remaining street signs will cost $25.
These signs are a great gift for anyone who has ever lived in Côte Saint-Luc. They are a part of the history of the city.
Some of the black-on-white signs were rusted and so the city will not be selling these damaged ones. A list of available street signs have been posted at and at all municipal buildings. Signs are available on a first-come- first-served basis. All monies raised will benefit Côte Saint-Luc EMS, the city’s volunteer medical first responder service.