Public Safety

CSL Adopts resolution on the preventions of disturbances in Montreal

Is the City of Montreal doing enough to curb antisemitic violence on the island? Absolutely not.

At our December 9, 2024 meeting we adopted this resolution

WHEREAS since October 7, 2023, there have been more than 450 demonstrations in Montreal where the majority were related to the Middle East conflict;

WHEREAS there have been numerous acts of violence and hate crimes linked to these demonstrations, including on March 4, 2024, in front of the Federation CJA of Montreal, on September 30 in front of Concordia University and on November 5, 2024, in front of the Shaar Hashamayim synagogue;

WHEREAS during these demonstrations illegal behavior was observed, such as street blocking, graffiti on cars and buildings, or occupation of university areas, in addition to hateful and violent language;

WHEREAS the police are limited in their intervention by the fact that the demonstrators do not announce the exact location or itinerary of their march and demonstration, and are for the most part masked while uttering hateful language and engaging in intimidation;

WHEREAS it is the responsibility of the municipality to legislate laws and regulations on the prevention of disturbances of the peace, security and public order and on the use of public property, in order to facilitate the work of police officers in protecting participants and residents during demonstrations;

WHEREAS it is desirable to find concrete ways to better equip SPVM police officers to deal with these violent demonstrations, in order to protect public order and safety, as well as the rights and freedoms of participants and the general public;

WHEREAS in an interview on QUB radio on November 25, 2024, SPVM Police Chief Fady Dagher stated that law enforcement could be better managed with better technology, including body cameras and computer technology to retrieve all footage ;

WHEREAS ICI Radio-Canada published an article on November 28, 2024, in which Yves Francœur, President of the Montreal Police Brotherhood, explains that the City of Montreal has not presented legislative amendments to compensate and give new tools to the police since By-law P-6 was invalidated, and calls for demonstrators to be forced to be unmasked.

It was moved

"THAT the City Council of Côte Saint-Luc ask the Council of the Agglomeration of Montreal to adopt a by-law to ensure the peaceful and safe conduct of demonstrations, promoting the safety of all, participants and population included:

THAT, among other measures, this by-law should:

i) provide the police with the necessary tools to enforce the Criminal Code when demonstrations become illegal gatherings and;

ii) prohibit participants in such assemblies or demonstrations on the public domain from having their faces covered without reasonable cause, the whole according to prescribed criteria and conditions.”


District 2 Virtual Meeting on The Proposed Public Safety Station & Master Plan/  Réunion virtuelle du district 2 sur le projet de poste de sécurité publique et le plan  de la révision du plan d’urbanisme municipal et du règlement de zonage

Thursday, December 12 at 7:30 pm/Jeudi, 12Decembre 19h30

Log on to/ Participer à la réunion :

Meeting ID: 868 5746 1808
Passcode: 9UT53i


  • A new Public Safety Station at the corner of Park Place and The Avenue?/ Un nouveau poste de sécurité publique à l'angle de Park Place et de The Avenue ?
  •  The proposed redevelopment of Quartier Cavendish/ Le projet de réaménagement du Quartier Cavendish
  •  Public Consultation January 13, 2025/ Assistez à la réunion de consultation le lundi 13 janvier 2025


Le district 2 comprend Merrimac, Rembrandt, Kildare (entre Rembrandt et Marc Chagall), Sir Walter Scott, Ilan Ramon, Marc Chagall, Mackle (entre Cavendish et Brandeis), le Quartier Cavendish, Cavendish (Manoir Montefiore, Manoir Camelia, L’Excelsior, les nouvelles maisons en rangée), ch. du Jubilé, Place Park Place et Honoré-de-Balzac./ District 2 encompasses Merrimac, Rembrandt., Kildare  (between Marc Chagall and Honoré Balzac), Sir Walter Scott,  Ilan Ramon, Marc Chagall, Mackle  (between Cavendish and Brandeis),  Quartier Cavendish Mall, Cavendish (Manoir Montefiore, Manoir Camelia, L’Excelsior, new Town Houses),  Jubilee, Park Place, Honoré-de-Balzac..


If you want the Zoom link sent to you please e-mail [email protected]

Si vous souhaitez que le lien Zoom vous soit envoyé, veuillez envoyer un e-mail à [email protected]

Why did I vote against the master plan?  Go here

Pourquoi ai-je voté contre le plan directeur ? Cliquez ici

What is a Public Safety Station? Watch this short video

Qu'est-ce qu'un poste de sécurité publique ? Regarder cette courte vidéo



"Elvis" has left the building, but beloved former Public Security Officer remains in our heart

The late Johnny "Elvis" Champagne. (Glenn Nashen photo)

Jean-Noël Johnny “Elvis” Champagne  was a beloved Côte Saint-Luc Public Security Officer for many years. He retired in 2015 and left us too soon, at the age of 75, two years ago after  experiencing some health problems.

Johnny was one in a million, beloved by his colleagues and citizens. On July 10 there was a small gathering in front of Côte Saint-Luc Public Safety headquarters to remember Johnny and dedicate a bench in his memory. Now , when his former colleagues want to take a rest, they can take a seat on the bench and channel their inner-Johnny.


The mayor, some members of council, Public Safety officials and friends of the late Johnny Champagne help dedicate a bench in his memory

Director of Public Safety Philip Chateauvert presented the very first Jean-Noël Johnny Champagne Award to Lieutenant Anthony Tsakon.  There are more than 240 staff and volunteers in our Public Safety Department, which encompasses Public Security, Emergency Medical Services and VCOPs (Volunteer Citizens on Patrol). Each year one of these individuals  will be recognized. Lt. Tsakon is an invaluable member of our staff who always goes above and beyond the call of duty.


Our original Public Sec
Our original Public Security Director Gérard Dutil.

Also on hand was our original  Director of Public Security Gérard Dutil, now in his 90s. He and his wife of more than 70 years had fond memories of Johnny and shed some tears as we remembered him. I had a wonderful relationship with Director Dutil. Back then I was covering City Hall for The Suburban and he had joined the city after 27 years in the Montreal Police force.

Director Chateauvert and Mayor Brownstein present Lt. Tsakon with his certificate.


Johnny was called “Elvis” for a very good reason. He idolized the singing legend Elvis Presley and as a result emulated him in terms of his looks and mannerisms. Not only were his hair and sideburns a perfect match, he also wore the jewels around his neck and he performed Elvis songs at events like our Canada Day and Volunteer Night.

The thing I remember most about Johnny was the respect he attracted from our younger generation. When he patrolled a park and kids were, shall we say, out or order he merely needed to walk in their path and they’d all chant “Elvis!” `

A closer look at the bench and plaque.


“He had a way of interacting with people, but especially kids,” Mayor Mitchell Brownstein said at the ceremony. “He became their friend, always waving to people. It is not easy to be like that, especially in public security  when you  need to enforce by-laws. His memory will never be forgotten.”

Councillor Dida Berku, who spearheaded the move to memorialize Johnny, recalled when her daughter got married in 2014. “I invited Johnny as a guest. He came and performed some songs. He was amazing and wow, the stories he told!”

Lt. Tsakon thought back to his early days with the department. He was driving down Mackle Road with his training officer when another Public Security vehicle went by. Lt. Tsakon noticed the driver had his shirt open and the sideburns and wondered out loud how this guy can get the job done. “Well, I found out very quickly how good he was,” said Lt. Tsaskon.

If you are driving down Côte St. Luc Road near Westminster, stop and take a look at Johnny’s bench with the inscription that includes “Johnny has left the building,” with some musical notes.

Elvis a quitté le bâtiment, mais l'ancien agent de sécurité publique bien-aimé reste dans notre cœur

Jean-Noël Johnny "Elvis" Champagne a été pendant de nombreuses années un agent de sécurité publique bien-aimé de Côte Saint-Luc. Il a pris sa retraite en 2015 et nous a quittés trop tôt, à l'âge de 75 ans, il y a deux ans, après avoir connu des problèmes de santé.

Johnny était unique en son genre, aimé de ses collègues et de ses concitoyens. Le 10 juillet, un petit rassemblement a eu lieu devant le siège de la Sécurité publique de Côte Saint-Luc pour se souvenir de Johnny et dédier un banc à sa mémoire. Désormais, lorsque ses anciens collègues voudront se reposer, ils pourront s'asseoir sur le banc et laisser libre cours à leur Johnny intérieur.

Le directeur de la sécurité publique, Philip Chateauvert, a remis le tout premier prix Jean-Noël Johnny Champagne au lieutenant Anthony Tsakon. Plus de 240 employés et bénévoles travaillent dans notre département de la sécurité publique, qui comprend la sécurité publique, les services médicaux d'urgence et les VCOP (Volontaires citoyens en patrouille). Chaque année, l'une de ces personnes sera récompensée. Le lieutenant Tsakon est un membre inestimable de notre personnel qui va toujours au-delà de l'appel du devoir.

Notre premier directeur de la sécurité publique, Gérard Dutil, aujourd'hui âgé de 90 ans, était également présent. Lui et son épouse, qui a vécu plus de 70 ans, se souviennent très bien de Johnny et ont versé quelques larmes lorsque nous nous sommes souvenus de lui.

Johnny était surnommé "Elvis" pour une très bonne raison. Il idolâtrait la légende de la chanson Elvis Presley et l'imitait donc dans son apparence et ses manières. Non seulement ses cheveux et ses favoris étaient parfaitement assortis, mais il portait également des bijoux autour du cou et interprétait des chansons d'Elvis lors d'événements tels que la fête du Canada et la soirée des bénévoles.

Ce dont je me souviens le plus à propos de Johnny, c'est le respect qu'il inspirait à la jeune génération. Lorsqu'il patrouillait dans un parc et que les enfants étaient, disons, désordonnés, il lui suffisait de marcher sur leur chemin pour qu'ils scandent tous "Elvis !". `

"Il avait une façon d'interagir avec les gens, mais surtout avec les enfants", a déclaré le maire Mitchell Brownstein lors de la cérémonie. "Il est devenu leur ami, saluant toujours les gens. Il n'est pas facile d'être comme ça, surtout dans le domaine de la sécurité publique, lorsqu'il faut faire respecter les règlements. Sa mémoire ne sera jamais oubliée.

La conseillère Dida Berku, qui a pris l'initiative de commémorer Johnny, s'est souvenue du mariage de sa fille en 2014. "J'ai invité Johnny. Il est venu et a interprété quelques chansons. Il était incroyable et les histoires qu'il a racontées sont incroyables !

Le lieutenant Tsakon s'est souvenu de ses débuts dans le service. Il roulait sur Mackle Road avec son officier instructeur lorsqu'un autre véhicule de la sécurité publique est passé. Le lieutenant Tsakon a remarqué que le conducteur avait la chemise ouverte et des rouflaquettes, et il s'est demandé à voix haute comment ce type pouvait faire son travail. "Je me suis vite rendu compte qu'il était très bon", a déclaré le lieutenant Tsakon.

Si vous roulez sur le chemin de la Côte Saint-Luc près de Westminster, arrêtez-vous et jetez un coup d'œil au banc de Johnny avec l'inscription "Johnny a quitté le bâtiment", accompagnée de quelques notes de musique.

A recap of my annual 2024 District Meeting/Town Hall

My annual   District Meeting/ Town Hall took place on Monday, June 10, 2024. I started these sessions some 19 years ago when I was first elected as the Councillor for District 2. It is a chance to update my constituents on what is going on around the corner and within the city at large.

Here is a recording of my District 2 Meeting


Here is Glenn J. Nashen’s report on my District 2 meeting

I do walk the district several days a week with notepad in hand. I would invite you to  follow my website at, listen to my podcast and like   my Facebook page  at MikeCohenDistrict2.

I also decided to continue to hold these meetings virtually as it has been deemed far more convenient for those I polled.

 J'ai commencé à organiser ces réunions il y a 19 ans, lorsque j'ai été élu pour la première fois en tant que Covone du district 2. C'est l'occasion d'informer mes électeurs de ce qui se passe au coin de la rue et dans la ville en général. J'arpente le district plusieurs jours par semaine, un bloc-notes à la main.

Je vous invite à suivre mon site web à l'adresse   J'ai également décidé de continuer à organiser ces réunions virtuellement, car cela a été jugé beaucoup plus pratique pour les personnes que j'ai interrogées.

Police Commander Desroches

My very special guest was Commander Stéphane Desroches of Police Station 9, which covers Côte Saint-Luc, Hampstead, Montreal West and NDG. He has been with the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) since 1997. Before arriving at Station 9 he spent two years as a commander for a special corporate section for road safety.

Le poste de police 9 couvre Côte Saint-Luc, Hampstead, Montréal-Ouest et NDG. C'est avec plaisir que nous accueillons notre nouveau commandant, Stéphane Desroches, qui travaille au Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) depuis 1997.

Avant d'arriver au poste 9, il a occupé pendant deux ans le poste de commandant d'une section corporative spéciale en sécurité routière.

New Medical Clinic

I was pleased to share some breaking news.    The building at the corner of Kildare and Cavendish has been undergoing quite a facelift. And on June 1 a new pediatric medical clinic will be in operation.  A blood test center is expected to open there too.  Stay tuned for more details.

Le bâtiment situé à l'angle des rues Kildare et Cavendish a subi une véritable cure de jouvence. Le 19 juin, une nouvelle clinique médicale ouvrira ses portes

Master Plan and Quartier Cavendish

 For the past two years the city has been putting together a comprehensive master plan.  How will this affect District 2?  The three main shopping centres – Quartier Cavendish, Cote St Luc Shopping Centre and Decarie Square- are a major component. On Wed July 10 (7 pm) there will be an information meeting at City Hall followed by a public consultation on Mon. August 12 (8 pm). At that point we will be able to share details of what type of development might occur at Quartier Cavendish. Please watch the video recording for Councillor Dida Berku’s presentation.

Depuis deux ans, la ville élabore un plan directeur global. Mais tout d'abord, quel sera l'impact sur le district 2 ?  Les trois principaux centres commerciaux - Quartier Cavendish, Cote St Luc Shopping Centre et Decarie Square - en sont une composante majeure.Voici quelques dates importantes pour en savoir plus : Mercredi 10 juillet à 19 h à l'hôtel de ville, une séance d'information

Lundi 12 août à 20 heures : tous les détails seront dévoilés et une consultation sera lancée.

Hydro Update

District 2 in Côte Saint-Luc will be part a major electrical system upgrade of the Hydro-Québec network. It will impact homes on Merrimac Road, Marc Chagall Avenue as well as Bialik High School. The installation of towers will take place no earlier than 2027. Other work, including the construction of a new substation behind Mount Sinai Hospital, will likely commence sooner. One of the big towers- currently behind the Meadows condo near the train tracks will likely be relocated on the grounds of JPPS-Bialik. As well, the wiring will likely wind behind all the buildings on Marc Chagall, JPPS Bialik and The Meadows along the railway lines. Stay tuned. Councillor Steven Erdelyi provides detail in the recording.

Le district 2 de Côte Saint-Luc fera partie d'une importante mise à niveau du système électrique du réseau d'Hydro-Québec. Ce projet touchera les résidences du chemin Merrimac, de l'avenue Marc Chagall et de l'école secondaire Bialik. L'installation des pylônes se fera au plus tôt en 2027. D'autres travaux, notamment la construction d'une nouvelle sous-station derrière l'hôpital Mont-Sinaï, commenceront probablement plus tôt. L'un des grands pylônes, actuellement situé derrière l'immeuble « Meadows », près des voies ferrées, sera probablement déplacé sur le terrain de l'école JPPS-Bialik. De même, le câblage passera probablement derrière tous les bâtiments de Marc Chagall, JPPS Bialik et The Meadows, le long des voies ferrées. Restez à l'écoute.

Alex Look

Alex Look was a former Cote St Luc resident. He attended JPPS-Bialik. On October 7 he was in Israel and was one of the victims of the Hamas massacre. He died a hero, trying to protect others. We will honor his memory by naming a park space after him. Council will formally decide soon if it will be at the space between Beth Chabad CSL and JPPS Bialik

Alex Look était un ancien résident de Cote St Luc. Il a fréquenté JPPS-Bialik. Le 7 octobre, il était en Israël et a été l'une des victimes du massacre du Hamas. Il est mort en héros, en essayant de protéger les autres. Nous honorerons sa mémoire en donnant son nom à un parc. Le conseil municipal décidera bientôt si ce parc sera situé entre Beth Chabad CSL et JPPS Bialik.

Rembrandt Park

 I am scheduled to do another walkthrough with the foreman at Public Works. I did so towards the end of last fall. More work will be done there in the coming weeks so please stay tuned.

The Five Buildings

The latest news regarding the five buildings on Kildare Road and Sir Walter Scott is that a change of ownership may take place in the coming months. When they were purchased in the winter, I worked closely with residents – with the help of Councillor Berku – to ensure that tenants knew we were in their corner over fears of renoviction. Our building inspector has kept a close eye on the properties, and I have reached out to the management regularly on basic tenant-landlord relation as a sign we are in their corner. Last week I met with two property managers who assured me they are working at responding better to tenant needs.

Vehicles torched in building parking lot

At approximately 1:30am Saturday, the Montreal Fire Department responded to a call at 5885 Cavendish. These are the Montefiore apartments.
The damaged vehicles.
Once on scene, officials found two  vehicles on fire. One was a truck belonging to a locksmith. I am not sure if the car next to it was merely collateral  damage. The Montreal Police Department state that the probable cause was a targeted arson.  I went to the scene and spoke to the officers on the scene. They were waiting for investigators to arrive
A preventive evacuation of the building took place. Fortunately the fire was quickly extinguished and there was minor damage to the facility, mainly broken windows from the heat.  We have no reports of anybody needing medical care.
Firefighters on the scene.
These type of incidents have become a frequent occurrence on the island of Montreal. Until now, it appeared as if Côte Saint-Luc was being spared.
Our Public Safety Department was on the scene and Council is being updated.

Samedi, vers 1h30, le Service d'incendie de Montréal a répondu à un appel au 5885 Cavendish. Il s'agit des appartements Montefiore.

Une fois sur les lieux, les agents ont trouvé deux véhicules en feu. L'un d'eux était un camion appartenant à un serrurier. Je ne sais pas si la voiture qui se trouvait à côté n'était qu'un dommage collatéral. Le service de police de Montréal a déclaré que la cause probable était un incendie criminel ciblé. Je me suis rendu sur les lieux et j'ai parlé aux officiers sur place. Ils attendaient l'arrivée des enquêteurs

Une évacuation préventive du bâtiment a eu lieu. Heureusement, l'incendie a été rapidement éteint et l'établissement a subi des dégâts mineurs, principalement des vitres brisées à cause de la chaleur. Personne n'a eu besoin de soins médicaux.

Ce type d'incident est devenu fréquent sur l'île de Montréal. Jusqu'à présent, il semblait que Côte Saint-Luc était épargné.

Notre service de sécurité publique était sur les lieux et le Conseil est tenu au courant.


Côte Saint-Luc to continue residential pool inspections

The City of Côte Saint-Luc now has a full-time pool inspector, Arianne Cyr;

Ms. Cyr began pool inspections last April. Information on the changes to the fencing rules for private pools went out to all owners in the fall of 2021 and Ms. Cyr is working on coordinating visits, answering questions and guiding people on what needs to be changed (if anything) in their yards. The project will continue through the entire summer and we ask for residents cooperation to get all pools to conform by the new July 1, 2025 deadline.

Owners of residential pools should take note of the new rules for fencing.


Ms. Cyr continued to inspect until the end of November. Over the past few months, Ms. Cyr has inspected more than 249 residential swimming pools in the backyards of residences in Côte Saint‐Luc. This regulation aims to limit and secure access to swimming pools for children and to prevent drowning.

Only a rigorous inspection of swimming pool installations can ensure that safety standards are respected. During her inspections, she validated the presence of a permanent enclosure, its height and the access door with automatic lock. In addition, during her inspections, she validated the location of the pool, the equipment and the paving in relation to the limits of the land.

Inspections will resume  in mid‐April to inspect all of the pools in the city.  In summary we have inspected 249 of approximately 400 pools. 

You can get complete details on our website. Please note that the  the deadline of July 2023 noted on this link has been delayed until 2025.

We are in good hands with Police Station 9

At our last public city council meeting on October 13, Police Station 9 Commander  Martin Montour and longtime Community Officer Marie-Christine Nobert were in attendance to share with us how their team has been taking a bite out of crime in our neighbourhood.

You can see their presentation here at starting at the 5:35 mark.

Commander Montour arrived on the job in the past year and he has been an absolute pleasure to work with. Given the fact his station also has to deal with the territory of NDG, we are pleased with the amount of attention he and his team give us. Officer Nobert has been on the job in our community for a remarkable 25 years.

Commander Montour

It was comforting to hear how proactive the Station 9 team was to pursue and ultimately apprehend the perpetrators of a number of break-ins in the Wolseley/Smart Avenue. 

Officer Nobert


Commander Montour and Officer Nobert wish to remind our residents to be proactive on their end to try and prevent break-ins. For those people going away on holiday or Florida for the winter, they should contact our Volunteer Citizens on Patrol (VCOPs) to do vacation spot checks. You can call 514-485-6800 ext. 5101. You can find more details here:

Officer Nobert recognized that it is very frightening to be the victim of a burglarly. She offered those involved in such a situation to call Station 9 at (514) 280-0109 and  an officer will be sent to the home to do an analysis.

Electric scooters are now banned in our parks following incidents at Rembrandt last summer

Last June some parents presented a petition to me out of concern over the dangers of reckless scooter driver at Rembrandt Park.

I took the matter to City Hall, where our senior legal official Jonathan Shecter and Director of Public Safety Philip Chateauvert examined the request and began the process of banning such scooters at any parks. In fact, the by-law adopted at our Monday, February 9 Council meeting goes much further.


It is now law in Côte Saint-Luc that scooter-style electric bicycles are included in the list of vehicles prohibited by Section 5.7 of the Nuisance By-law (2470), primarily   because of the danger related to the considerable speed they can reach (+30km/h).  The speed and weight of this type of bike significantly increases the risk of serious injury.

Our second piece of legislation  is to include a section prohibiting driving and/or reckless or dangerous use or use that puts the safety of others at risk, regardless of the type of vehicle. This section now covers all means of transportation whether electric or not. We believe that no one should be allowed to use a skateboard, bicycle or any other means of transportation in ways that put the safety of other users of the park at risk.

The motion was adopted unanimously.

Portable pools: be aware of the dangers

With more portable pools in use this summer in backyards across the country, the City of Côte Saint-Luc wants the public to be aware of the dangers of drownings and take action to minimize the risk.

“Portable pools are a low-cost and easy-to-set-up alternative to in-ground pools, however many parents may underestimate the potential risks,” Mayor Mitchell Brownstein said. “By taking a few precautions, parents and caregivers can help children remain safe.

Portable poolsPortable pools include wading pools, inflatable pools and soft-sided, self-rising pools. They are sometimes referred to as kiddie pools. The following actions can minimize the drowning risk associated with portable swimming pools:

  • Only allow children to be in the pool area when an adult is present to supervise.

  • Empty portable pools immediately after use.

  • Place the pool inside a fenced-in area of the yard. 

  • Use door locks and alarms to prevent children from going from the house into the pool area without an adult.

Quebec pool safety laws state if the pool water is 60 cm (2 feet) or more in depth, fencing is required. The City of Côte Saint-Luc only gives permits for permanent pools, but recommends people keep portable pools covered or fenced when not in use.

In addition to drowning risks from portable swimming pools, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns of the spread of recreational water illnesses, or RWIs, which can spread by swallowing or having contact with contaminated recreational water. These illnesses are caused by germs such as Cryptosporidium, E. coli O157:H7, and Shigella. The CDC recommends that you drain or empty the pool, then clean the pool and allow it to dry. Once the pool is completely dry, leave it in the sun for at least four hours. Medium and larger-sized inflatable and plastic pools that cannot be emptied daily should have filters and appropriate disinfection systems that meet the same codes and requirements as full-sized swimming pools.

Further reading:


Strict measures must be implemented for public and private pools to reopen

Now that the Quebec government has permitted public pools to reopen, it is important to note that a great many safety standards must be met.

Our Mayor has already announced that Parkhaven Pool will reopen with many new rules.  As for those pools in condos and apartment buildings, it is by no means a slam dunk. Many have already indicated to me  they do not wish to take the risk of a COVID-19 spread. Others simply do not feel they can properly comply with the measures necessary.

I have personally gone on record that pools should not reopen this summer. It is not the water I am concerned about; rather the ability for people (especially kids) to social distance in the water; common touching of railings and chairs; the use of bathrooms; and more.

As for pools in condos and apartments, I am still seeking clarification as to whether they are included in Premier Legault's reference to "privately owned pools" in this article.

There will have to be fewer people in the pool under new guidelines.


The Institut National de la Santé Publique du Québec (“INSPQ”) has published a document for condominium associations and apartment building owners to prepare for the eventual reopening of their swimming pools. These preventive measures must be implemented before owners and tenants can use the pools in order to respect the government measures on physical distancing and hand hygiene. The preventive measures notably include:

  • Measures should be put in place in order to respect physical distancing of at least two (2) meters at all times, inside or outside the pools, such as:
  • Limiting the number of pool users at one time;
  • Distributing tickets to users for a specific period of time to use the pool;
  • Have a guard at the entrance of the pool at all times during opening hours to control the number of users who enter;
  • Ensure that all chairs are placed at a minimal distance of two (2) meters;
  • Installation of marks of the ground in strategic areas to enforce physical distancing measures;
  • Promote hand washing inside the facility, such as installing hand sanitizer dispensers or hand washing stations inside and outside the entrance of the pools;
  • Ensure users shower with soap for at least one minute before entering the pool;
  • Prevent access for users who have contracted the COVID-19 virus or show symptoms of the virus;
  • Ensure proper ventilation for indoor pools in order to control the concentration of contaminants in the air and therefore, update ventilation systems as per industry standards, if necessary;
  • Close all areas where physical distancing of two (2) meters is not possible or where there is poor ventilation by establishing physical barriers such barricades or tape;
  • Locker rooms should only be used to go to the toilet and allow for only a limited number of people to use the locker rooms at the same time;
  • Distribute a triage questionnaire to all pool users to detect COVID-19 related symptoms and explain to users the risks of using the pool;
  • Have a guard at the entrance of the pool at all times during opening hours to remind users of these measures;
  • Installation of signage indicating these measures;
  • The usual measures to ensure the quality of the water must be rigorously applied as per the Regulation respecting water quality in swimming pools and other artificial pools; and
  • The usual measures for cleaning and disinfecting must be rigorously applied for all surfaces including but not limited to locker rooms, showers, washrooms, water fountains, doorknobs, pool ladders, diving boards, etc. The hiring of additional staff/personnel may be required to ensure proper cleaning.

In order to respect the abovementioned measures, condominium associations and owners of apartment buildings may have to purchase the necessary equipment or incur certain expenses, such as but not limited to:

  • Hand sanitizer dispenser or hand washing stations;
  • Pictograms to be placed on the ground such as arrows and lines;
  • Printing of signage indicating the abovementioned measures;
  • Printing of triage questionnaires and information flyers;
  • Upgrade in ventilation systems; and
  • Hiring of additional staff/personnel to survey and ensure the abovementioned measures are respected;

The City urges condominium associations and owners of apartment buildings to follow these guidelines and asks that serious and responsible personnel be appointed to implement these procedures. If these procedures can’t be realistically met, the shared swimming pools should remain closed.  

Furthermore, please note that a pool operation permit is still required and the present letter will be included in any permit that is issued by the Urban Development department. The following clause will also be added to any permit that is issued:

“The condominium association or owner of the apartment building confirms that he has read the attached letter and will abide by the terms and conditions provided therein.”

Finally, the City will be actively encouraging the DSP to enforce the abovementioned measures through the guide of their top senior bureaucrats.

Should condo and apartment buildings managers have any questions, we ask that they contact the DSP by email [email protected] or by phone at 514-842-7226. If you do not receive an answer within a reasonable delay you may contact  your city councillor.

A huge thanks to Assistant City Clerk Jason Prevost for  all of his work on this  file!