
Two months of Hydro-Québec work slated for Rembrandt Ave.

As part of its rehabilitation program for underground structures, Hydro-Québec has announced that they will carry out civil engineering work to repair an underground chamber on Rembrandt Avenue,  between  Kildare and Merrimac.

This will impact the street in a number of ways:  the removal of parking spaces in the area; access to west side of the park will be blocked; the pedestrian crossing  will be removed; noise from machinery during certain manoeuvres; the installation of a detour and appropriate signage; and the  presence of flagmen (as needed) to facilitate traffic flow around the worksite

It is important to note  that there will be no interruption of electricity service  as a result of this work. Work will begin in March 11 and continue until May 17 from 7 am to 7 pm,


Nature des travaux

Dans le cadre de son programme de réfection des ouvrages souterrains, Hydro-Québec doit réaliser des travaux de génie civil afin de procéder à la réfection d’une chambre souterraine.


  • Avenue Rembrandt, entre les chemins Kildare et Merrimac


  • Entrave partielle de l’avenue Rembrandt, entre les chemins Kildare et Merrimac
  • Retrait de places de stationnement dans le secteur
  • Accès au parc côté ouest condamné
  • Traverse piétonnière enlevée
  • Bruit de machinerie lors de certaines manœuvres

Mesures d’atténuation

  • Mise en place d’un détour et d’une signalisation appropriée
  • Maintien de l’accès aux résidences en tout temps
  • Présence de signaleurs (au besoin) pour faciliter la circulation autour du chantier
  • Sécurisation du chantier pour la sécurité du public et des travailleurs et travailleuses

À noter qu’aucune interruption du service d’électricité n’est prévue dans le cadre de ces travaux.

Exemple de réfection d’une chambre souterraine

Calendrier de réalisation

  • Du 11 mars au 17 mai 2024
  • e 7 h à 19 h

Hydro project for the towers won't start now until 2027/Le projet hydroélectrique ne démarrera pas avant 2027

District 2 in Côte Saint-Luc will be part a major electrical system upgrade of the Hydro-Québec network. Work  was originally scheduled to occur between 2023 and 2026,   impacting homes on Merrimac Road, Marc Chagall Avenue as well as Bialik High School. The installation of towers will take place no earlier than 2027. Other work, however, will likely commence sooner

A look at where some of the work  on Merrimac will take place.

Hydro will be converting three 120-kV substations to 315 kV. This includes the Hampstead substation (in Côte Saint-Luc) and rebuilding the 120-kV Aqueduc-Saraguay  overhead transmission line at 315 kV over a span of 18 km between LaSalle and Saint-Laurent. Known as the Aqueduc-Saraguay project, the cost is estimated at over $500 million. The project involves replacing aging equipment, maintaining the system’s reliability, meeting future electricity needs and supporting economic development.

Geotechnical surveys will be taking place over the next few months in the Hydro-Québec transmission line easement. These surveys are in preparation for the project, and are intended to complete the data required for the project's engineering study. This work will only last a day or two.   It will  involves taking soil samples with a drill.

Le district 2 de Côte Saint-Luc fera l'objet d'une importante mise à niveau du système électrique du réseau d'Hydro-Québec. Les travaux devaient initialement avoir lieu entre 2023 et 2026 et concerner les maisons du chemin Merrimac, de l'avenue Marc Chagall et de l'école secondaire Bialik. Ils ont maintenant été retardés et ne commenceront pas avant 2027.

Hydro convertira trois sous-stations de 120 kV en 315 kV. Cela comprend le poste de Hampstead (à Côte Saint-Luc) et la reconstruction de la ligne de transport aérienne à 120 kV Aqueduc-Saraguay à 315 kV sur une distance de 18 km entre LaSalle et Saint-Laurent. Connu sous le nom de projet Aqueduc-Saraguay, le coût est estimé à plus de 500 millions de dollars. Le projet prévoit le remplacement d'équipements vieillissants, le maintien de la fiabilité du réseau, la satisfaction des besoins futurs en électricité et le soutien au développement économique.

Des études géotechniques seront réalisées au cours des prochains mois dans la servitude de la ligne de transport d'Hydro-Québec. Ces sondages sont préparatoires au projet et visent à compléter les données nécessaires à l'étude d'ingénierie du projet. Ces travaux ne dureront qu'une journée ou deux. Ils consistent à prélever des échantillons de sol à l'aide d'une foreuse.




Hydro information session /Une séance d’information par rapport à la modernisation du réseau électrique d’Hydro Québec


Councillor Erdelyi shares some information with residents.


Hydro-Québec hosted an information session and open house on Monday, June 5.  Councillor Steven Erdelyi, our point man on the planned large-scale Hydro project, was our spokesperson. The meeting was conducted bilingually.

To watch video from the presentation, visit: https://youtu.be/Ug_UVBveZY4 

Pour visionner la vidéo de la présentation, visitez le site : https://youtu.be/Ug_UVBveZY4

That is me (masked) talking to some residents.

This entire project will take over a decade to complete.

This is what is proposed for the new power station in CSL as you will see from Baily across the tracks.

Voici la proposition pour le nouveau poste à CSL



These are the phases of the project as you can see CSL substation is in Phase 1

Voici les étapes du projet



Hydro is proposing installing pylons that will be twice as high as the existing ones but with a smaller footprint ¸

Des pylônes de nouvelle génération qui occupent moins d’espace au sol, mais qui sont plus haut que celles existantes


Also there will be a presentation of Green Corridor which is meant to compensate for the impact and inconvenience caused by the project

Création d’un corridor vert dans certaines sections des emprises 

Green corridor


Côte Saint-Luc teams have been on the clock the moment this spring ice storm hit our province

On Jan. 4, 1998, southern Quebec and eastern Ontario were pelted with as much as 100 millimetres of freezing rain and ice pellets — an ice storm that lasted five days.At its peak, 3.5 million Quebecers — roughly half of our province’s population — and more than a million Ontarians, as well as thousands in New Brunswick, were left in the dark, many for several weeks.

I remember the entire ordeal only too well. My daughter was barely three months old. The same home where we will still reside in Côte Saint-Luc District 2 did maintain power. As a result, family members from all sides arrived to camp out on our floors and sofas.

It was something the likes of which I never thought I’d experience again. Well, I was wrong. On  April 5, 2023 the unthinkable happened. More than a million households – half on the island of Montreal - lost power after freezing rain tore through the province, blacking out neighbourhoods and downing trees. In Côte Saint-Luc, 40 percent of homes have no power. As of this writing my home has Hydro service, which is very ironic given the fact we have been plagued by outages for years due to outdated equipment.


A typical scene you will see on many CSL streets.

Last night as our family was preparing for the Passover Seder, I heard a huge cracking noise. I looked outside and my neighbour’s tree had fallen on the street. As I surveyed my own district this morning, some of the streets looked like warzones with so many other downed trees.

Our Public Works and Public Safety Departments have been hard at work from the get go.

Here is what our senior staff are telling us.  The temperature is going to warm up significantly today. This means two things: the first is that much of this ice will melt by the end of the day, particularly on the trees. The biggest issue the island is having is downed trees and branches and the ripple effects of that. There are no high winds, which is extremely fortunate. Second, we are expecting a tiny bit of rain this morning, but it is supposed to be clear the rest of the day, a very big boon to Hydro crews working to re-establish power. We are told to expect that most power will be re-established on the island of Montreal within 24 hours.

In an ideal world, our Aquatic and Community Centre and gym would have served as an emergency refuge centre. However, it has no power either. We do have  a generator, but it gives power only to priority sources, the lights and the heat, but not the pool. The gym lights are on at 50 percent. The generator has four days  worth of power. There are no phones working because of our particular system in place, nor WiFi,  so we can’t make or answer phone calls in the Parks and Recreation Department. People enrolled in programs are being called to tell them they are cancelled, only because an employee is able to do this from home. Not all ACC plugs are working to charge devices.

The ACC is  open to resident walk ins to use the facility washrooms and lobby or gym to recharge any electric devices.  The holiday hours will be respected until 8 pm tonight. No programs are being offered and the pool is closed.  Registration began earlier this week and will be postponed for the time being. Our Information Technology team is on scene to work on restoring internet and phone services.

The library will be open as usual today with regular hours until 10 pm, so residents looking for a warm place to access and charge their devices and can go there. The holiday hours only start on Friday (Noon to 5 pm) , and we are optimistic that power will be re-established by then.   I would also recommend you consider our three local shopping centres -Quartier Cavendish, Côte St. Luc and Décor Decarie (no power I just learned)-  if they maintain or have power, as well as restaurants and cafés in the immediate area. As for food keep in mind that a full freezer will keep food frozen for about 48 hours. A freezer that is half full will keep food frozen for about 24 hours. An unopened refrigerator will keep food cold for about four hours. I feel horrible for anyone impacted by this natural disaster. So many Passover Seders have been placed in jeopardy or already been spoiled. How many people cooked for weeks to prepare for this holiday?

Last night there were hundreds of issues from fallen trees, wires, power outages and live wires creating numerous hazardous areas. Public Works prioritized its tasks by clearing emergencies like trees where they could safely, away from live wires and off the streets, install cones to create safe passageways for cars and assisting where accidents of fallen trees occurred on private vehicles and properties. Staff  remained on the clock late into the night with our emergency teams and until our foremen felt the streets were safe. They   worked exceedingly hard in this freezing rain and cold weather. These individuals are proud to do the work they were trained for.

The owner of this car avoided getting crushed by this tree.

Here is the latest press release from Hydro.

More than a million customers were down this morning at 7:30 a.m. for a total of 2,000 outages. Our teams must therefore intervene in more than 2,000 locations, which represents a colossal work. 

Although the efforts made are important, the weather event is not over and new outages are still occurring.

This morning, Hydro-Québec can count on a great strike force. In total, 1,000workers are mobilized on the ground to restore power. Over the past night, field teams have been busy dealing withthe most urgent cases.

Due to the high number of outages and affected customers, it is too early to determine the average time to restore service by sector. We are focusing our efforts on restoring the highest priority cases (emergency). Recovery for all commercial and residential customers could take several days.Recovery times indicated on Outages or through our mobile application are removed for the time being. The expected recovery time for an outage will be recorded when a team is on site. If your outage is not on the fault map, report it online or by phone at 1-800-790-2424.

Understand priorities and steps for restoring service:http://pannes.hydroquebec.com/pannes/comprendre-et-prevenir/ We remind you that a reserved number is available for municipal emergency measures coordinators. It allows you to reach a member of the Community Relations team, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 1 844 289-5005, choose option 1, then option 1.  

Also, to facilitate the work of our fitters, we ask you to clear the roads of broken branches.

Thank you for your patience. 



Plus d’un million de clients étaient en panne ce matin à 7 h 30 pour un total de 2 000 pannes. Nos équipes doivent donc intervenir à plus de 2 000 endroits, ce qui représente un travail colossal.Bien que les efforts déployés sont importants, l’événement météo n’est pas terminé et de nouvelles pannes se déclenchent encore. 

Ce matin, Hydro-Québec peut compter sur une grande force de frappe. Au total, 1 000 travailleurs sont mobilisés au terrain afin de rétablir le courant. Au cours de la nuit dernière, les équipes au terrain se sont affairées à traiter les cas les plus urgents. 

En raison du nombre élevé de pannes et de clients touchés, il est trop tôt pour établir le délai moyen de rétablissement du service par secteur. Nous concentrons nos efforts à rétablir les cas les plus prioritaires (urgence). Le rétablissement de l’ensemble des clients commerciaux et résidentiels pourrait nécessiter plusieurs jours.Les délais de rétablissement indiqués sur Info-pannes ou au moyen de notre application mobile sont retirés pour l’instant. L’heure prévue de rétablissement pour une panne sera inscrite lorsqu’une équipe sera sur les lieux. Si votre panne ne figure pas sur la carte des pannes, signalezla en ligne ou par téléphone au 1 800 790‑2424. 

Comprendre les priorités et les étapes du rétablissement du service : http://pannes.hydroquebec.com/pannes/comprendre-et-prevenir/ Nous vous rappelons qu’un numéro réservé est disponible pour les coordonnateurs des mesures d’urgence des municipalités. Il vous permet de joindre un membre de l’équipe Relations avec le milieu, 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7 : 1 844 289-5005choisir l’option 1, puis l’option 1. 

Également, pour faciliter le travail de nos monteurs, nous vous demandons de dégager les routes des branches cassées.

Parkside 21 suffers brutal power outages

Hydro-Québec outages are not fun. My town house condo complex has incurred many of these over the years, not to mention forced shutdowns for maintenance work. At times like these you truly realize how much we appreciate having power in our homes.

One of two generators currently powering Parkside 21.


For the past two weeks  the residents of  Parkside 21 town house condos, located in District 2 on both Kildare Road and  Rembrandt, have experienced some very difficult times.

Power went out in their complex on January 11 and it did not return for two days. Hydro installed two generators, but even with those machines running there additional outages. I communicated with my regular Hydro contacts, who are responsible for our area, and  as always I thank them for their accessibility. Crews did repeatedly come on site, but appears as if this problem was not an easy one to solve.

Finally, last weekend a temporary solution was found.    This week Hydro  will run a cable from an operational underground transformer, which is located behind #6586 Kildare Road, to the faulty transformer located on the #6590 lot. This cable will be run on the surface. For safety reasons, Hydro will have to install some barriers running on each side of it. Due to the pedestrian access between the two lots (across from Sir-Walter-Scott), a small portion of the cable will have to be buried underground.  

One this is done, the generators will be removed. I am being told that a final fix to this problem might not occur until the end of the year until then the residents of Parkside 21 will be able to resume a normal life.

The grid in this area is old and I worry about other outages like this occurring. Hydro has been in talks with some condos to upgrade the system. This would involve some exchanges of servitudes. I hope that any preventive measures that can be taken will be on the agenda in 2023.

You can always report an outage by calling  1 800 790-2424 or go to   : https://pannes.hydroquebec.com/poweroutages/

Hydro Québec work scheduled for January 13 will impact 450 users

Hydro-Québec is planning a scheduled service interruption on Thursday,  January 13 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Merrimac, Kildare and Marc Chagall sectors. If you did not receive a robocall, you are not affected.

"This work, which we regrettably cancelled in December, is critical and complex'" Hydro officials shared with me. "While many options were considered to minimize the impact of the interruption while the pandemic is ongoing, the only solution was really to carry out the work during the day maximizing the effectiveness of the manpower available. We are very sorry for the inconvenience this will cause."



I spent the better part of the week, backed by city officials, trying to get this job moved to overnight. Our local Hydro contact did her best on the file, but it was just not possible. Coming at a time when we are in a pandemic, with people working from home and students attending class online, this is beyond a major inconvenience. I recommend everyone charge their devices and chargers and download what you can to your devices.

Below are the addresses affected:

Tableau d'adresses_IP_2022-01-13 (002) (1)

Hydro officials emphasize that this work needs to be done as soon as possible to ensure the quality and stability of the power supply:

· It will require more than 20 people from Hydro-Québec, as well as workers from external firms.

· Three electric transformers need to be changed with interrupters, pumps, etc., requiring the usage of a crane and bucket trucks.

· More importantly, it will prevent outages in the future that could last 24 hours like the one in November and affect many more customers without notice.

Hydro is working in collaboration with the city to mitigate the impact of this service interruption and accelerate the work as much as possible. Also note that should an unforeseen event prevent the work to be done on January 13, the job will be postponed to January 18. Hydro will notify users as soon as possible if a postponement needs to occur.

For information  log on to: https://poweroutages.hydroquebec.com/poweroutages

Customer service: 514 385-7252

COVID-19 protocols result in cancellation of Hydro work

The 450 or so Hydro-Québec customers in District 2 (Merrimac, Sir Walter Scott and parts of Rembrandt and Marc Chagall)  who expected the lights to go out at 11 pm on December 21 played an endless waiting game.


While the trucks arrived, nothing happened. Constituents had their flashlights out, closed up their homes for the nigh and  turned off electronic devices. Some tossed food, fearing that nine hours without power would not be a good thing for the fridge. There were condos that left their garage doors opening, letting cold air in (and raising their Hydro rates), so that vehicles could come and go.

At 1230 am the trucks departed and the major work planned was cancelled.

Hydro officials apologized, noting the job had to be cancelled at the last minute due to an unforeseen shortage of workers related to COVID-19 restrictions. While the job will need to be rescheduled in order to prevent a future failure, rest assured that it will not be done before January 10.


So stay tuned for a new date.


This is a joint operation at multiple locations to change transformers and breakers . The work has to be done to prevent a risk of failure that can cause an outage similar to the one we had in November. 



Planned Hydro outage to affect 450 customers in District 2

On November 1, a significant section of District 2 experienced a power outage.


The power was restored within 24 hours. A few weeks later a planned outage was necessary to do what we thought were final repairs.


Regrettably, that was not the case and on Tuesday, December 21 (11 pm) the power will be shut for at least nine hours. Over 450 users on  Merrimac, Kildare, Rembrandt, Marc Chagall, Sir Walter  Scott and  Ilan-Ramon will be affected. This will likely throw out the lights at Cavendish/Kildare as well. If you did not get a Hydro robo-call then you will not be impacted.



Hydro officials told me today that workers will do a joint operation at multiple locations to change transformers and breakers t. This work has to be done to prevent a risk of failure that can cause an outage similar to the one we had in November. "We don’t want that to happen in the winter months to come," a Hydro spokesman told me. "Although there is never a good time for a planned outage, the good news is that they are able to do the work at night, which is not always the case! Our crews will do their best to finish the job before 8 am."


The Hydro spokesman said he understand that residents will be without heat during the night.  He would suggest increasing the temperature a little during the day before, so it takes a longer for the residences to cool down.   For more information, please refer to the measures described in this link.

Overnight parking will be tolerated, so if you park indoors and need to get in or out at a certain time you might want to take advantage of this option. Also keep in mind that your freezer is fine for 24 hours, but the fridge being off for nine hours  might spoil some food.


 A detailed examination of Hydro-Québec’s planned major  electrical system upgrade

District 2 in Côte Saint-Luc will be part a major electrical system upgrade of the Hydro-Québec network. Work will occur between 2023 and 2026 and impact homes on Merrimac Road, Marc Chagall Avenue as well as Bialik High School

Hydro will be converting three 120-kV substations to 315 kV. This includes the Hampstead substation (in Côte Saint-Luc) and rebuilding the 120-kV Aqueduc-Saraguay  overhead transmission line at 315 kV over a span of 18 km between LaSalle and Saint-Laurent. Known as the Aqueduc-Saraguay project, the cost is estimated at over $500 million. The project involves replacing aging equipment, maintaining the system’s reliability, meeting future electricity needs and supporting economic development.



Both  Hydro and Côte Saint-Luc did a study related to what the level of Electromagnetic fields (EMF) will be, that being  a combination of invisible electric and magnetic fields of force. They occur both naturally and due to human activity.  Hydro’s study showed that the EMF’s will be within the norms. Our investigation confirmed that. Councillor Steven Erdelyi, who co-chairs this committee with Councillor David Tordjman, told me: “On the positive side when you increase the voltage, you decrease the current. That means less magnetic field so it is actually safer for people.”  

There are valid reasons for this work. Despite the fact people are becoming more energy efficient, power consumption is up and more people are purchasing electric cars. In District 2 alone we just added two large Equinoxe towers. Not far off, the former Blue Bonnets Raceway will become the base to some 5,000 housing units.

A joint working committee of representatives from Hydro-Québec, the City of Côte Saint-Luc and a few members of the public started work January 27, 2020 to address public concerns about the Aqueduc-Saraguay project.   The committee’s mandate has been to review how Hydro-Québec can implement the project in Côte Saint-Luc while minimizing its impacts. For example, the committee is to assess how greenspaces can be enhanced.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact in terms of slowing down the process. We had two meetings in February and then had to wait until October before we convened again. Right now we must finalize with Hydro the precise trajectory of the new towers. There will be at least 12 towers constructed in Côte Saint-Luc and this entire project will take over a decade to complete. We also have questions about noise and public safety we need answered.

I asked two residents, Charles Guerin from the Meadows and Glenn J Nashen (on behalf of JPPS-Bialik) to be part of the committee. Hydro has been asked a lot of very detailed questions from the city and committee members. It is hoped these deliberations can be concluded in February or March because we as a city have not yet shared a comprehensive look at the project for the community at large.

In fact only last June Hydro stated: “By the end of the year, an information and consultation meeting will be held to present the project. The public will be invited to provide feedback and comments on the committee’s work and present other ideas of how the project could be improved.”

Again, none of us thought that we would still be dealing with the pandemic in 2021 at this emergency level.

Complicating matters further has been the launch on January 25 of a series of focus groups organized by Hydro. I was part of the first session. To me, this is an example of placing the cart before the horse. As the committee proceeds, residents who have no information on the actual project are suddenly being asked for their opinions to obtain a portrait of the usage of the transmission line right-of-way.    The objective is to collect the residents' ideas and concerns regarding the future right-of-way and its potential use.

I felt badly for the Hydro personnel and consultants who were asked to organize these sessions. They were there to talk about how to beautify greenspace near the new towers. Naturally, Meadows residents who were on the call wanted to know details. ”How big will the towers be? Has an environmental assessment been made?”  These are the type of questions residents had on their minds. But this was not the right table to ask them. This Hydro team wanted to know what residents would like the greenspace to look like.  These type of focus groups should have started first with experts detailing the main project, with this coming after.


What is a right-of-way? It is a legal agreement that allows Hydro access to the property directly beneath and to either side of an electric power line. Also called an easement, the right-of-way allows them to enter the property at any time, to perform maintenance or repairs to their equipment.

Hydro officials say they want to develop the hydroelectric right-of-way that meets the needs of the community: community gardens, playgrounds, swings, landscaping, etc. Their goal is  to improve the environment and the quality of life of the people who own this right of way. In recent weeks I have been hearing from very confused constituents on Merrimac and Marc Chagall who want more information.  I communicated again with the committee chairs in the last few days and asked them to please do everything they can to move this process along.

Please understand. This is an island-wide project and it will go ahead, regardless of any protests. Hydro does not need our permission.

Another Hydro project which directly impacts the upgrading of wiring at the Meadows has been delayed for several years because it involves the exchange of certain servitudes. The Meadows did have some say in that matter, but keep in mind that the condo property is supported by very old equipment and we may pay the price for this.


So When does Hydro opt for underground lines? Hydro responds as follows: “Whenever it’s impossible to build an overhead line because of insufficient space or an impassable obstacle such as a building.”

The cost for overhead lines, with a service life of 85 years, is $150 million. Hydro maintains it will have greater transmission capacity and a faster recovery from outages. An underground line, it points out, has a service life of 40 years, a lower transmission capacity and it is more complicated to maintain and repair. Oh yes, the cost is $440 million

Hydro-Québec’s transmission system, like all other transmission systems in the world, is mainly an overhead one. Out of 34,000 km of lines, they say only 200 km (0,7 percent) are underground, and those are mainly in downtown areas.

They give examples of the percentage of underground power lines with a voltage of 315 kV and higher in some other places: 0.1 percent in Canada; 0.4 percent in the United States; 0.4 percent in Germany; and 0.8 percent in Japan

Since underground lines are more expensive, Hydro says they’re used only in places where an overhead line can’t be built, either for lack of space, as in downtown Montreal, or because of an impassable obstacle like a building.

The costs of an underground line are determined by a set of variables that have to be analyzed for each project. For this project, a 315-kV underground line would cost about $290 million more, nearly three times more than an overhead line.  

Since Hydro-Québec’s investment choices have a direct impact on electricity rates for all of its customers, the company says it has an obligation to choose the lowest-cost option.

Last but not least,  Hydro states, an overhead line can carry more electricity than an underground line.

Here is how Hydro sums up choosing the optimal course of action: they have a duty to submit the best possible project, one that is technically, economically, environmentally and socially sound and that benefits its customers; performs well from a technical perspective; can be carried out at the best possible cost; respects the environment; and  safeguards the public interest and that of its customers

Hydro maintains building a 315-kV overhead line is the best option. They also emphasize that an overhead line follows a single route.  An underground line could be completely different from that of the existing line. An overhead-underground junction substation might also have to be built for an underground line: for a 315-kV line, that would be quite sizable. Building an underground line would have some major impacts: laying two separate ducts (under the streets alongside the existing right-of-way). Undergrounding a transmission line is more complex and takes longer.

The consensus does seem to be that we might be better off health-wise with the overhead wires.

The latter is true. But these towers will not impact our entire city of 34,000 residents so we do not have strength in numbers. Nonetheless, via these focus groups it is hardly futile to go on record with our concerns.

Furthermore, we can continue to make the argument for underground wiring. But unless we as a city pay for the work, Hydro does not have to agree. Their strategy has been shared with you in detail up above. Our annual budget for the entire city is $75 million. Underground work would cost $440 million, so we can all do the arithmetic.


The towers presently contain an overhead transmission line operating at 120 kV. They will be dismantled and rebuilt at 315 kV. The exact route of the line is currently under study and the subject of consultations with the special committee.  I met via Zoom with Meadows residents for nearly an hour and a half and clearly everyone would to see the present-day large tower moved somewhere else, like behind the JPPS-Bialik field. Is that possible? It certainly will be raised at our special committee level.


The Hampstead substation located behind Mount Sinai Hospital was built in 1955.   The electricity supplies residences, businesses and industrial customers in Côte Saint-Luc, Hampstead, Montreal West Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce and Lachine via the distribution system. As part of the project, new 315-kV equipment will be installed at Hampstead substation.



Afin de répondre aux besoins croissants en électricité du secteur, Hydro-Québec investira plus de 500 M$ pour moderniser son réseau de transport dans l’axe nord-sud de l’île de Montréal, entre les arrondissements de Saint-Laurent et de LaSalle. Les équipements du réseau sont vieillissants, et doivent être remplacés.De plus, ce projet vise à améliorer la fiabilité de l’alimentation en électricité et la continuité du service à long terme pour tous les résidents de la région.

Hydro-Québec ajoutera environ 500 MW de puissance afin d’appuyer le développement économique et social dans les secteurs d’activité suivants :

  • Projets immobiliers, résidentiels et commerciaux ;
  • Projets de transport en commun (p. ex. station du Réseau express métropolitain (REM) et garages de la Société de transport de Montréal (STM) pour la recharge de bus électriques) ;
  • Projets de développement manufacturier ;
  • Centres de données et serres.

  500 M$ investis

  500 MW de puissance prévue

18 km de ligne de transport à convertir

3 postes à convertir

Modernisation du réseau électrique entre les postes de l’Aqueduc et de Saraguay

Le projet prévoit :

  • la reconstruction à 315 kV de la ligne de transport aérienne existante à 120 kV à sur 18 km entre Saint-Laurent et LaSalle. La ligne sera reconstruite dans l’emprise actuelle, mais dans le cadre des étapes suivantes, le tracé pourrait être optimisé pour en atténuer les impacts selon des critères techniques, économiques, environnementaux et sociaux.
  • la conversion de trois postes de transformation de 120 kV à 315 kV, soit les postes Rockfield (à Lachine), de Hampstead (à Côte Saint-Luc) et Laurent (à Saint-Laurent).

Hydro-Québec procède aussi à une étude préliminaire en vue de construire un nouveau poste dans le secteur de Dorval et la ligne d’alimentation associée.

Le projet se réalise dans une emprise de ligne en milieu urbain densément occupée à plusieurs endroits. Dans un souci d’harmoniser son projet avec la vision du développement de ses partenaires municipaux, Hydro-Québec mène une démarche afin de travailler en collaboration avec les villes et arrondissements, les organismes et les résidents concernés.

La ligne projetée sera construite dans une emprise de ligne existante où se trouve déjà une ligne aérienne de transport d'électricité à 120 kV.

Quand opte-t-on pour une ligne souterraine ?

Où il s'avère impossible de construire une ligne aérienne parce que l'espace est insuffisant ou parce que s'y trouve un obstacle infranchissable (p. ex. bâtiments, commerces)


  • Durée de vie : 85 ans
  • Capacité de transit supérieure
  • Rétablissement plus rapide en cas de panne


~150 M$*


  • Durée de vie: 40 ans
  • Capacité de transit inférieure
  • Entretien et réparation plus complexes

Coût~ 440 M$*


Une ligne souterraine coûterait environ 290 M$ de plus qu'une ligne aérienne, ce qui aurait un impact sur les tarifs d’électricité pour tous les Québécois.

Ligne souterraine : mesure d’exception

  • Comme c’est le cas partout dans le monde, le réseau d’Hydro‑Québec est essentiellement aérien. Sur 34 000 km de lignes de transport, l’entreprise ne compte que 200 km, soit environ 0,7 %, de lignes souterraines, essentiellement dans les centres-villes.
  • Voici des exemples de pourcentage de lignes de transport à 315 kV et plus qui sont enfouies ailleurs :
    • 0,1 % au Canada
    • 0,4 % aux États-Unis
    • 0,4 % en Allemagne
    • 0,8 % au Japon
  • Étant donné son coût plus élevé, une ligne souterraine est envisagée seulement là où il est impossible de construire une ligne aérienne, soit parce que l’espace est insuffisant (par exemple au centre-ville de Montréal) ou parce qu’il y a un obstacle infranchissable (par exemple des bâtiments imposants).

Coûts, durée de vie et capacité de transit

  • Les coûts d’une ligne souterraine sont fonction d’un ensemble de variables qu’il faut analyser pour chacun des projets.
  • Dans ce cas-ci, les coûts paramétriques de la ligne souterraine à 315 kV seraient d’environ 290 M$ plus élevés, ce qui représente trois fois les coûts d’une ligne aérienne de la même capacité. La ligne aérienne devrait coûter quelque 150 M$ alors que la ligne souterraine coûterait approximativement 440 M$ en dollars courants de 2018.
  • Hydro‑Québec se doit de présenter l’option la moins coûteuse possible, puisque ses choix influent directement sur les tarifs d’électricité pour l’ensemble de la population québécoise.
  • La durée de vie d'une ligne aérienne est d’environ 85 ans tandis que celle d’une ligne souterraine est d’environ 40 ans. Puisqu’il faut que le réseau reste sous tension pendant la reconstruction, il faut prévoir repartir de zéro après 40 ans dans le cas d’une ligne souterraine. Les coûts paramétriques de la construction d’une ligne souterraine ne comprennent pas les coûts de reconstruction après 40 ans.
  • Enfin, une ligne aérienne peut faire transiter plus d’électricité qu’une ligne souterraine.

Hydro‑Québec a le devoir de présenter la meilleure option qui soit, sur les plans technique, économique, environnemental et social, et ce, pour le bénéfice de sa clientèle. Hydro‑Québec doit donc présenter un projet :

  • performant du point de vue technique ;
  • au meilleur coût possible ;
  • respectant l’environnement ;
  • en préservant l’intérêt du public et celui de la clientèle.
  • Le projet retenu constitue le point d’équilibre entre ces grands critères. Dans le cas présent, les études montrent que la construction d’une ligne aérienne à 315 kV constitue la meilleure option respectant ces critères.

Impacts et réparation

  • Si elle est aérienne, la ligne n’emprunte qu’un seul tracé. Si elle est souterraine, pour des raisons de fiabilité du réseau, il faut que les deux circuits qui la composent soient séparés donc, idéalement, qu’ils suivent des rues différentes. Ces tracés divergeraient complétement du tracé de la ligne existante.
  • Une ligne souterraine pourrait aussi nécessiter la construction de postes de liaison aérosouterraine : pour une ligne à 315 kV, il s’agit d’équipements imposants.
  • La construction d’une ligne souterraine comporterait des impacts importants : mise en place de deux canalisations distinctes (dans les rues qui longent l’emprise existante), en plus de baies de jonction à intervalles d’environ 500 à 800 m.
  • Les réparations d’une ligne souterraine sont plus complexes et les délais sont en conséquence plus longs.



Hydro-Québec work at the Meadows and Kildare/Sir Walter Scott corner

Hydro-Québec will carry out vegetation control work in the Meadows sector. The operations will not be as drastic as it was in the past. Having said this, it will create an impact nonetheless. The work will take place along the fence separating the school from the Meadows in order to clear the buckthorn that is growing uncontrollably and that is preventing other species to grow. It will also involve brush clearing vegetation at the base of the high voltage transmission tower at the far end of the  the grounds of The Meadows, as well as along the railroad tracks. The work will be done starting December 2 until December 6, 2019.

Letter were dropped off at homes. Copies are below.

Download Details on Hydro Work

Download Info-Travaux

In addition, as part of the reconstruction of the transmission line that was announced earlier this year (construction to start in 2023), Hydro-Québec intends to develop sustainable landscaping that is compatible with the power transmission system in The Meadows and Bialik school areas. Hydro-Québec aims to cooperate with local residents, condominium owners, and the City of Côte Saint-Luc to carry out this landscaping initiative.

On another front last August crews of Hydro-Quebec installed a temporary wooden structure to secure the underground vault at the intersection of Kildare and Sir Walter Scott. The plan was to come back at the end of next June (2020) to replace the concrete roof of the vault. Hydro just informed us that there is a transformer with an oil leak in this same underground vault. That means they need to replace the transformer as soon as possible. From December 4 to 10, crews will be on site to excavate the sidewalk, to remove the old concrete roof (of the vault) and to install a wooden gallery. In the evening of December 10 to 11, the transformer will be replaced. On December 13, crews will install finally a new concrete roof of the underground vault. The sidewalk will be rebuilt temporarily with asphalt until next summer where they would be back for a concrete reconstruction of the sidewalk. Signs will be installed to make the place safe for everyone. All work should be completed by December 20.