
Vehicles torched in building parking lot

At approximately 1:30am Saturday, the Montreal Fire Department responded to a call at 5885 Cavendish. These are the Montefiore apartments.
The damaged vehicles.
Once on scene, officials found two  vehicles on fire. One was a truck belonging to a locksmith. I am not sure if the car next to it was merely collateral  damage. The Montreal Police Department state that the probable cause was a targeted arson.  I went to the scene and spoke to the officers on the scene. They were waiting for investigators to arrive
A preventive evacuation of the building took place. Fortunately the fire was quickly extinguished and there was minor damage to the facility, mainly broken windows from the heat.  We have no reports of anybody needing medical care.
Firefighters on the scene.
These type of incidents have become a frequent occurrence on the island of Montreal. Until now, it appeared as if Côte Saint-Luc was being spared.
Our Public Safety Department was on the scene and Council is being updated.

Samedi, vers 1h30, le Service d'incendie de Montréal a répondu à un appel au 5885 Cavendish. Il s'agit des appartements Montefiore.

Une fois sur les lieux, les agents ont trouvé deux véhicules en feu. L'un d'eux était un camion appartenant à un serrurier. Je ne sais pas si la voiture qui se trouvait à côté n'était qu'un dommage collatéral. Le service de police de Montréal a déclaré que la cause probable était un incendie criminel ciblé. Je me suis rendu sur les lieux et j'ai parlé aux officiers sur place. Ils attendaient l'arrivée des enquêteurs

Une évacuation préventive du bâtiment a eu lieu. Heureusement, l'incendie a été rapidement éteint et l'établissement a subi des dégâts mineurs, principalement des vitres brisées à cause de la chaleur. Personne n'a eu besoin de soins médicaux.

Ce type d'incident est devenu fréquent sur l'île de Montréal. Jusqu'à présent, il semblait que Côte Saint-Luc était épargné.

Notre service de sécurité publique était sur les lieux et le Conseil est tenu au courant.


Emergency teams handle fire well on Sir Walter Scott

Congratulations to the entire CSL Public Safety team, the police and firefighters for the efforts they made to contain a blaze at 5765 Sir Walter Scott on Friday afternoon, January 23.

The fire was immediately gotten under control. It was confined to one apartment on the first floor and appears to have started in the kitchen. There was no damage to any other apartment other than some light smoke.
Firefighters on the scene. (photos by Bram Eisenthal)
I was on the scene and so were about half a dozen fire trucks, a fire department school bus in case residents needed somewhere warm to go to, a number of police cars, our Public Security, the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Urgences Santé. Kildare Road near Sir Walter Scott was blocked off to traffic. Public Security redirected vehicles down Rembrandt and around Merrimac. This came at a tricky time as Bialik High School was letting out.
Fortunately the residents were permitted to return to their apartments about 40 minutes after the emergency teams arrived. According to our Director of Public Safety Jordy Reichson, the  family whose apartment it was were assessed by EMS and Urgences Santé on scene, but not transported to the hospital. They will be staying with relatives until their apartment is repaired. There were no other injuries.
A job well done by all concerned!


Serious fire on Sir Walter Scott Avenue

Côte Saint-Luc Director of Public Safety Jordy Reichson provided me with the following report  on a fire at 5775 Sir Walter Scott Avenue, a highrise apartment building in District 2.

This call came in around 5:35AM and when the Montreal Fire Department  arrived, smoke and flames were already visible from outside. They immediately called a 10-07 and 10-09 (first alarm with propagation likely). At 5:55AM, CSL  received a call from the Fire Department that the call had gone to 10-12 (second alarm). 

The blaze started in a fourth floor apartment due to an oil fire on the stove top. It caused extensive damage to the apartment, as well as three other units on the floor and the units directly below.
All residents were taken in charge by the Red Cross (as per Fire Department policy for displaced persons), which made arrangements for those affected to stay with family or friends. The residents of the fire apartment were transported to hospital with smoke inhalation and minor injuries.
The Montreal Fire Department intervention prevention teams, CSL Public Safety and CSL Urban Planning were on scene to work with the building owner on any required follow-up, including barricading broken windows and the roof  (which was cut open for ventilation) and other matters. CSL Public Works   was informed to clear the catch basins in the area to allow for drainage of water.
Around 10AM, all resources were liberated and the building was left in the care of the superintendent, who was in contact with the building owner. The Montreal Fire Department will follow up with the building owner and Urban Planning as required as there were some issues.