CSL resident Ariel Cozo and his colleague James Karls want to bring entertainment back to the city during these COVID--19 days. For starters, how about a mobile Canada Day celebration?
This is the most effective way of bringing the party to the people while respecting all COVID-19 considerations, they maintain. People need entertainment joy now post-confinement "and we have all the talent and equipment to provide it," the duo maintain.
Ariel Cozo
Here is their game plan
THE PROJECT: Parade-style entertainment in the streets. They want to create mobile musical trucks/floats/flatbeds filled equipped with sound/AV, DJ, Animator, Musician(s) & specialty acts - all in accordance with health measures. Each truck will follow an electronic billboard vehicle filled with ads from one or multiple corporate sponsors.
WHERE: One truck per sector on a pre-set route, throughout the streets of Montreal in different municipalities. They will discuss and select the best streets for the highest visual and feeling impact to uplift residents.
BACKGROUND: We've been entertaining our city & worldwide destinations for over 25 years. We host/MC/DJ/Entertainint in multiple languages & cater musically to most nationalities. And we supply all forms of entertainment options to enhance the overall interaction, sound & light production. Their outdoor experience includes float performances and/or productions at the Saint-Patrick's Day Parade, Caribana Festival, Israel Independence Day Rallies, Community Street Events and much more from 1,000 to 100, 000 participants.
WHAT THEY NEED: Funding to support costs related to renting parade vehicles, renting digital banner vehicles, find corporate sponsors to appear on printed traditional vinyl banners and selling ad space on the electronic billboard vehicles. Municipal and related police authorization/support in order to ensure all runs smoothly.
As has become customary in recent years, the City of Côte Saint-Luc recognized its volunteers on November 6 as part of a movie night at the Quartier Cavendish Cineplex Theatres. The feature presentation was the two hour and 33 minute Motherless Brooklyn, starring Edward Norton. Prior to the movie, everyone was treated to some snack and a video of Mayor Mitchell Brownstein interviewing the recipients of our many award winners. After the film, there was a dessert reception. Attendees were presented with souvenir glass mugs, with the CSL logo affixed.
Councillor David Tordjman, Steven Erdelyi and I welcome guests. (Rami Negev, Photo)
Bravo to coordinator Laura Trihas , Director Parks and Recreation Cornelia Ziga and the rest of the staff who organized this affair. The format worked beautifully.
Irving Schok, the Leopard of Louvain, gets some snacks. (Rami Negev, Photo)
Here is a look at the award winners.
Aquatics Volunteer of the Year Award
Michèle Castonguay – Aquatics
Michèle has shown great dedication to the City of Cote Saint-Luc and its competitive swimming program. She has served as our ''Meet Manager'' for all swim meets during the 2018-19 season and has been absolutely instrumental in the success of those events. Michèle brings years of experience as an official in the swimming world, and has helped us elevate the level of professionalism and the overall expectations for our swimming program. She also serves as a direct liaison between the Quebec Swimming Federation and the CSLA Swim Club.
Community Special Events Award
Presented to a volunteer for exceptional contribution to the community special events programs.
Bryan "Waffles" Wolofsky and his wife Robin. (Rami Negev, Photo)
Bryan Wolofsky – PeeWee National Outdoor Hockey Tournament
Bryan (whom I have always affectionately called “Waffles”) has been assisting with the organization of the Peewee National Outdoor Hockey tournament for the past few years. Leading up to the tournament, he worked on securing a number of beverage sponsors for the event. During the tournament, Bryan could be seen displaying his unique personality on the microphone while announcing and playing music throughout the games. Bryan is always trying to help to ensure that everyone involved has a great experience at the tournament.
Bernie Green – CSL Men’s Club
Chairmen of Programming since 2015 and a member for over 10 years is responsible for organizing trips, Hot Stove League and booking speakers Some speakers this year have included Jean Charest, Lenny Lighter (Moishes) and Richard Pound who is an Olympic athlete. Future speakers will include Francois Lepine, The Archbishop of Montreal, Rick Leckner and Dr. Mitch Shulman for a panel discussion featuring prominent sports journalists.
Eco Award
In recognition of leadership in the promotion of environmental advocacy and action within the community.
Boyd Hamilton – Kirwan Garden Coordinator
As a way to give back to the Community, volunteer Boyd Hamilton (Kirwan Garden Coordinator) started a group six years ago called Growers of Regional Agricultural Seed Products (GRASP) which is made up of many highly skilled and educated members, many of who hold degrees and have a background in horticulture. Their mission is to create a full cycle seed library dedicated to preserving rare and endangered plants which majority of these samples are stored in the Côte Saint-Luc gymnasium.
GRASP holds regular public seminars free of charge for seed savers, in order to educate fellow gardeners and promote the program. They also distribute seeds at no charge through the CSL Library to the community at large. Over the years seeds have also been donated in support of the City’s initiative to develop teaching gardens for children with special needs. They have partnered up with John Grant High School to help them with their own gardening program and in turn the school helps with the transplanting of vegetables to Kirwan Community Garden.
The Edward J. Kirwan Award
Awarded annually to outstanding volunteers in the Cote Saint-Luc programs for exceptionalcontribution.
Adriana Rico – Figure Skating Club
Adriana has been a very dedicated volunteer for the Côte Saint-Luc Figure Skating Club for several years as vice president, in charge of multiple tasks. She organizes the off-ice program, actively participates in on-ice rental and scheduling activities, provides web site support for all online registrations and information updates. She is also an active figure skater, training daily and competing in regional adult competitions.
E.M.S. Award
E.1 Excellence in operations
Scott Hunt
Scott is one of our most involved members at EMS. He’s been around for a great number of years and has volunteered for thousands of hours. He not only volunteers but he is always looking for ways to better the service and bring more success to EMS. He recently took on the position of Lieutenant of logistics and equipment. Scott’s contribution to our team never ceases to impress us and is constantly surpassing all expectations.
E.2 Excellence in training
Alizée Znaty
Alizée is in charge of the “prehospital patient care report quality assurance” department. A task that is extremely important in this field. Reviewing all calls and reports can be monotonous and time consuming, but Alizée is able to do it meticulously, professionally and efficiently. This great medic is always willing to lend a hand. Her open mindness and her extreme kindness to say the least are some of Alizée qualities that greatly contribute to the quality of care that is offered by our First Responders at EMS.
E.3 Rookie of the year
Kassandra Pinsonneault
Kassandra recently joined the EMS team. Her passion and bubbly personality were quickly what distinguish her from all the others. Amongst her many qualities, Kassandra also a nurse is exceptionally motivated, always up for new challenges, and the perfect definition of patient care and healing. She is the kind that everyone loves and all want to work with. This lovely medic is an exemplary recruit who will with no doubt set a wonderful example for fellow medics and future cohorts.
Gerry Weinstein Ambassador of the Year
In recognition as the citizen best portraying charitable qualities and serving the community atlarge.
With Ambassador of the Year Marc Ezerzer.
Marc Ezerzer – Sponsor for CSL Executive Softball League and CSL Golf Classic Tournament (Councillor Cohen’s nomination)
Marc plays and sponsors a team in the CSL Executive Softball League and he also sponsors the annual CSL Golf Classic. He is a prominent real estate agent who lends his high profile to the good and welfare of CSL sports programs. I was proud to have nominated Marc.
The Hazel Lipes Award (Trophy & Small Plaque)
Awarded annually to the outstanding volunteer for exceptional contribution to the community service programme.
Diane Liebling
Diane Liebling – Cats Committee
Diane Liebling is the chair of the Côte Saint-Luc Cats Committee. She has carried on these duties for the past six years, working virtually 24/7 physically trapping cats, giving up her family garage to feed strays, finding homes and foster homes for them, establishing a network of feeders of outdoor cats, organizing meetings and making repeated visits to the CSL Hospital for Animals. Quite simply, the committee would not function without her. I was proud to have nominated Diane.
Royal Canadian Legion Brigadier Frederick Kisch, Branch #97 Award
Awarded to the Youth Volunteer of the Year, in recognition of outstanding achievement in the improvement of leisure opportunities within the community.
Natalia Ayodele – Children’s Library
Natalia has been volunteering with the library since 2016. She has impressed the library staff with her enthusiasm, kindness, and passion for her community and for helping others. During her volunteer tenure, Natalia has helped 8 children as a Reading Buddy, and was one of the first teens to adopt the Homework Help program. She also participated in the first year of the Youth Advisory Group. Natalia is a gifted mentor and a caring person: she has expressed interest not only in helping children succeed with their reading and study skills, but was also a voice for senior residents in her suggestions during Youth Advisory Group meetings. Natalia has a truly generous spirit, and will undoubtedly go on to help people throughout her life. Congratulations to Natalia for pursuing her interests in CEGEP this year. The library will miss her!
Socio-Cultural Award
Presented to the outstanding Volunteer for exceptional contribution to the social-culturalprogrammes.
David Gandell – CSL Men’s Club
David Gandell has been a member of the men's club for for five years in the functions of membership chairmen, 2nd VP and currently serves as 1st VP, responsible for scheduling, executive meetings and managing the directors.
Special Recognition Award
Joel Wener – Masters and Youth Swim Team
Mr. Joel Wener is a passionate Côte Saint-Luc resident who has gone above and beyond over the last few years in the pursuit and support of youth and team sports. He has played an integral part in particular, in the development and promotion of both the Masters and Youth swim teams at the Aquatic and Community Centre. Mr. Wener regularly takes the time to get himself informed and trained on the details pertaining to youth and adult aquatic teams. In addition, he continues to offer much time and dedication, to recruit and train additional qualified officials for our team competitions. He is an avid supporter of parent volunteers and thanks to his involvement, our number of volunteers has increased.
Our aquatics team programs are still relatively new and Mr. Wener as a resident and parent of swim team participants is the first CSL citizen to take on the role of officials’ coordinator for our competitive teams. Mr. Wener believes strongly in youth team and sports and the integral part these play in the lives of our athletes. He is an avid supporter of the team and an active parent volunteer taking the time to inform other parents on the positive aspects of competitive swimming.
We would like to thank him for his continued commitment towards the City of Côte Saint-Luc.
Jeanne Motulsky – CSL Dramatic Society
She played the lead Narrator in the META award winning show that we remounted at the Segal Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat and the lead Sally Bowles in Cabaret. She went way beyond the call of duty performing as a lead in over 40 performances this year.
Jeanne performed in 8 CSL Dramatic Society productions. She studied Communications at Concordia University to become a producer and is working at DNEG as a Production Assistant. Other notable credits include Bad Idea Bear in Avenue Q (Marianopolis Theatre Company) and Showgirl and Usherette in The Producers: A New Mel Brooks Musical in Yiddish! (CSLDS)
Côte Saint-Luc’s Emergency Medical Service Team
In grateful recognition of the wonderful work of the CSL Emergency Medical Services team (EMS volunteers).
This special group of volunteers are responsible for the saving and aiding of thousands of lives on an annual basis. Their dedication to our community is not only commendable but truly admirable and most appreciated. Thanks to their commitment and devotion, their daily interventions are lifesaving and continue to improve the quality of life of our community. We are extremely proud and grateful for their incredible work, team effort and acts of daily kindness.
Sports Award
Presented annually for exceptional contribution to the community sports programme.
Andrew Winkler – Minor Hockey
Andrew has been a valuable member of the Cote Saint-Luc Minor Hockey Associations Board and it’s coaching fraternity. This past year he was an assistant coach on 2 teams and the Head Rules Official on the Board. He is always giving of his free time and is often seen at the arena answering any and all parent inquiries, no matter the subject. The hockey association needs more volunteers like Andrew as it would not be as well run without him.
Stewart Mankofsky Memorial Trophy
Awarded to the Cote Saint-Luc athlete who best exemplifies the qualities of dedication, sportsmanship, and love for competition and fellow participants.
Charlotte Dumaine – Figure Skating Club
Charlotte is a 3rd year student at Université de Montréal in the BSc nutrition program. Charlotte has won numerous awards over the years and continues to give much prominence to the Côte Saint-Luc Figure Skating Club. Her biggest accomplishment was competing for 5 years on the Quebec Figure Skating Team as a junior and senior singles lady. Her strong work ethic, positive attitude and commitment to excellence make her a worthy recipient of this award.
vCOP Award
For outstanding contribution as a leader in the promotion of community safety.
Susie Berkson-Schwartz
When you hear vCOP mentioned in conversations, you almost always hear the name Susie Berkson-Schwartz spoken at the same time. Along with her husband, Harvey, they were among the very first members to join the newly formed vCOP organization in 2006. Being part of vCOP from "day-one" gives Susie unique insight into the inner workings of vCOP and its members.
Susie is extremely dedicated, putting her heart and soul into everything vCOP. She is in charge of all our special events and is a regular fixture, along with Harvey, at every council meeting. She works closely with the Public Security department, coordinating vCOP participation for both Canada Day and the Winter Carnival. Susie also works closely with the SPVM at their summer events (“kids camps”), and the Library and Parks & Recreation Departments for their events throughout the year.
As for her own personal participation in vCOP, Susie has been recognized as one of our "top 10 patrollers" for many years.
Susie knows every one of our vCOPs by name - this is quite a feat considering we have approximately 90 members. She still enjoys being a vCOP patroller, contributing to our mission of being the "eyes and ears" with her weekly patrols. We are very grateful to have her as part of the organization.
William E. Kesler Memorial Trophy
Awarded annually to a volunteer for exceptional contribution to City programs.
Steven Glazer – Minor Baseball
Steven began coaching in Côte Saint-Luc's minor baseball program 10 years ago. He coached his older son Jordan's teams from 2009 to 2011 and continued coaching his younger son Ryan's teams from 2013 onward. Steven always treated the players on his team fairly and with respect. He always acted in a professional manner and never lost perspective as to why he was involved in coaching. Steven never shied away from dealing with difficult situations and his goals always remained to ensure a fun and positive experience for the players on his team.
The fourth bi-monthly meeting of the Isadore Greenbaum Memorial Mamaloshen Group will take place on Wednesday, November 6 from 4 pm to 5:30 pm in Salon A of the Aquatics & Community Centre (5794 Parkhaven) in Cote-Saint-Luc.
Janie Respitz
Come with a story, a joke, a little biography of yourself, a monologue, or a poem - all in Yiddish, of course. Special entertainment will provided by Janie Respitz. Co-Chairs Sheila Esar and Toby Shulman note that everyone is welcome.
The Club boasts a membership of over 250-plus avid readers, who recently engaged in the first of five reviews for the 2019-2020 season.
Prior to the last review, members chatted over a delicious mini breakfast, then proceeded to the synagogue sanctuary for a stimulating discussion of the novel “Where The Crawdads Sing” given by Ann Lagace Dowson of CJAD Radio.
The next review, Song of a Captive Bird, a sumptuous debut novel, will be reviewed on October 30 by Linda Shohet, a winner of the Queen’s Jubilee medal!
The Club takes a hiatus for the winter months, and continues with three more reviews in April, May and June 2020.
The Auxiliary is grateful to all literary club and committee members for supporting this ongoing hospital endeavour.
Both members and volunteers have found a way to learn, enjoy and give on behalf of the patients of Mount Sinai Hospital.
For more information call the Auxiliary office at 514-369-2222 ext. 1337
The Just for Kids Foundation (JFK) will hold its fifth Annual Stroll for Kids event, a fun-filled philanthropic day that celebrates family and community, on Sunday, September 22 (9:30 am to 12:30 pm) at Pierre Elliot Trudeau Park (6975 Mackle Road) in Cöte Saint-Luc. More than $600,000 has already been raised.
Scenes from last year's Stroll for Kids.
Stroll for Kids is a family oriented activity-filled day, where those involved give back to their community while spending quality time with their loved ones. Those who take part must register online, as a team or individually, and are encouraged to make a donation. All funds raised will contribute to supporting JFK’s Comfort and Care Campaign which is dedicated to supporting the Montreal Children’s Hospital’s Operating Suites, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), the JFK Kangaroo Care Program, and the JFK Sibling Park.
Throughout the day there are various entertainment and activities such as a petting zoo, clowns and carnival games to name a few, and snacks and lunch from some of the city’s favourite restaurants (such as Arthur’s, Venice, Gentile’s to name but a few!)
This year, funds raised will also aid in equipping the NICU with 46 new specialized recliners, created specifically for Kangaroo Care, the ultimate method of comfort and care for the tiniest patients.
Jodie Zimmerman-Frenkiel and Alana Geller are the co-founders of the event.
“ The event has always brought together families from within and around our community,” says Co-chair Tania Kakon. “Over the years new activities, food vendors and entertainment have come along so it really grows into something newer every year. The driving force of the event is the loyalty of our returning supporters. The event reflect the values of the community serving a higher purpose that being the ‘Just for Kids Foundation’ in this case.
"It really is thanks to Jodie Zimmerman - Frankiel and Allana Geller for having this incredible idea to get families together and teach their kids at a young age the importance of giving back and community all while having fun,” added Co-Chair Jaclyn Hoffman. “We have a strong and supportive community and the event brings 100 plus families together every year, the majority of whom are returning families. Many families hear about this event through word of mouth, and by being supporters of the JFK Foundation. This year we targeted new moms and dads, with the hope that they will return year after year with their growing families! This is the first year we are introducing a theme for the stroll, a carnival theme, which adds a fun and different twist to the event compared to past years.”
Just for Kids Foundation raises funds to purchase high-priority medical equipment, and to support initiatives that improve the quality of care for patients of the Montreal Children’s Hospital. Over the past 30 years, we have purchased over $11 million of equipment, touching almost every department at the hospital. That is more than 200,000 children treated and 1,500 healthcare professionals who are better equipped to care for their patients.
For more information on Just for Kids Foundation’s Stroll for Kids event visit the event page and register at www.JFKStrollforKids.com. You must raise a minimum of $250.
When the building organized an art exhibit last week, eight resident artists and/or sculptors responded, an extremely high proportion for a relatively small building.
The artists were: Maxine Bloom, Shalom Bloom Shirlee Rosen, Dale Dobrovsky, Debbie Dworkin, Jacqueline Familiant, Al Garellek, the late Yetta Garellek, Mala Raducanu, Linda Saks and Laura Winerman.
Due to renovations at the Samuel Moskovitch Arena, much of Pierre Elliott Trudeau was off limits so we moved this year’s Canada Day festivities in Côte Saint-Luc to Wagar Field on Parkhaven. It was very well received from those I spoke to throughout the evening.
Congratulating these new citizens from Mexico.
As per tradition, we started things off with a Canadian Citizenship Ceremony at our Aquatic and Community Centre. The ageless Judge Barbara Seal presided over an eloquent program in which 40 new citizens from 15 different countries were sworn in. “Immigration is a source of richness for our country,” commented Mount Royal Liberal MP Anthony Housefather.
Councillor Sebag and I take the oath ourselves.
Mayor Mitchell Brownstein was joined by myself, Councillors David Tordjman, Oren Sebag, Steven Erdelyi, Sidney Benizri and D’Arcy McGee Liberal MNA David Birnbaum at the event.
Delicious Canada Day cupcakes.
After the ceremony we walked across the street to my former high school. Hats off to Parks and Recreation Director Cornelia Ziga, Event Coordinator Laura Trihas and the rest of our staff who worked so hard to make this event a huge success, our Public Safety and VCOP teams. Kudos as well to Councillor Ruth Kovac, the event chair who was unable to attend. CJAD personalities Dr. Laurie Betito and Dan Laxer served as emcees.
People were dancing up a storm.
Activities included an airplane exhibit, inflatables, a petting zoo, pony carousel, tons of games for kids, face painting, food trucks, a photo booth and live music from the singing group Smash. We distributed delicious cupcakes sponsored by Scotiabank. The evening culminated with an entertaining laser show.
Smash performs.
Many of us agreed that the venue of Wagar Field is actually a better and more controlled spot than Trudeau Park. For this year fireworks were not permitted in this area. We like the idea of keeping festivities here and efforts will be made to find a formula to make a fireworks display work.
Due to renovations at the Samuel Moskovitch Arena, much of Pierre Elliott Trudeau was off limits so we moved this year’s Canada Day festivities in Côte Saint-Luc to Wagar Field on Parkhaven. It was very well received from those I spoke to throughout the evening.
Congratulating these new citizens from Mexico.
As per tradition, we started things off with a Canadian Citizenship Ceremony at our Aquatic and Community Centre. The ageless Judge Barbara Seal presided over an eloquent program in which 40 new citizens from 15 different countries were sworn in. “Immigration is a source of richness for our country,” commented Mount Royal Liberal MP Anthony Housefather.
Councillor Sebag and I take the oath ourselves.
Mayor Mitchell Brownstein was joined by myself, Councillors David Tordjman, Oren Sebag, Steven Erdelyi, Sidney Benizri and D’Arcy McGee Liberal MNA David Birnbaum at the event.
Delicious Canada Day cupcakes.
After the ceremony we walked across the street to my former high school. Hats off to Parks and Recreation Director Cornelia Ziga, Event Coordinator Laura Trihas and the rest of our staff who worked so hard to make this event a huge success. Kudos as well to Councillor Ruth Kovac, the event chair who was unable to attend. CJAD personalities Dr. Laurie Betito and Dan Laxer served as emcees.
People were dancing up a storm.
Activities included an airplane exhibit, inflatables, a petting zoo, pony carousel, tons of games for kids, face painting, food trucks, a photo booth and live music from the singing group Smash. We distributed delicious cupcakes sponsored by Scotiabank. The evening culminated with an entertaining laser show.
Smash performs.
Many of us agreed that the venue of Wagar Field is actually a better and more controlled spot than Trudeau Park. For this year fireworks were not permitted in this area. We like the idea of keeping festivities here and efforts will be made to find a formula to make a fireworks display work.
Dr. Susan Mitchell was a classmate of mine at Wagar High School more than three decades. She was always one of the brightest individuals in class. So it should not be surprising to see her now teaching at Harvard Medical School. One of her brothers, David, is a physician at the Montreal Children's Hospital. Her other brother Steven is a successful businessman. I am proud to count her parents as my constituents in District 2. You can read more about Dr. Mitchell's much anticipated appearance next Thursday below
The 40th annual Côte Saint-Luc Golf Classic will take place at Meadowbrook Golf Course on Thursday, July 4. Some 120 golfers will tee off beginning at 7 a.m., with a special awards banquet honouring former city councillor and legendary school teacher Allan J. Levine at 5794 Parkhaven Avenue at 1 p.m.
I will be back as the co-chair for the 13th year in a row, with Councillor Steven Erdelyi joining me. This year’s event will repeat the popular new format launched in 2016, as well as the two specific age classifications whereby players can compete (on a friendly basis) amongst their own age groups: MASTERS (age 65 and older) and EAGLE (age 64 and younger). The title sponsors will be Marc Ezerer and Hagay Brener from Vantage Realty Group Michael Maislin of Total Customs Services, Mitch Heft and Tony Lapia from Orangetheory Fitness on Somerled Avenue in NDG and businessman Mitch Garber. We also thank Silver Star Mercedes Benz, McDonald’s Côte Saint-Luc and Quartier Cavendish,
Allan J. Levine was a member of Côte Saint-Luc City Council for over 30 years. He also taught math and science at Wagar High School for more than three decades, where for a number of years he doubled as the Driver’s Education instructor. Well-known for his great sense of humour, he remains active in the community today as president of the Brigadier Frederick Kisch Branch 97 of the Canadian Legion, a position he holds with great pride as a tribute to his late father who was a veteran. Allan has also played an important role in the local tennis community.
Steven Erdelyi, Alvin Fishman and myself in the back row and left to right in front, Tony Lapia, Mitch Heft, Allan J. Levine, Michael Maislin and Marc Ezerzer. (Amani Malti, photo)
The format for the Golf Classic is called “Scramble” and is quite popular in today’s golf outings. This helps speed up the game for all players and is being introduced as a result of many requests from previous participants. The players decide which golfer hits the best shot off the tee and then all players from that foursome play their next shot from that point. Play continues from hole to hole in the same fashion for the rest of the outing. The Hole-in-One contest will be back at the 11th hole. A hole-in-one will bring you a Mercedes-Benz on a free loan for a weekend.
In case of thunderstorms on Thursday July 4, the luncheon will proceed with festivities at the Aquatic and Community Center and golf will be postponed until July 11. The same starting times will be honored at Meadowbrook Golf Club, 8370 Côte Saint-Luc Road.
Brian Wilde
The Golf Classic Luncheon Honourary Chair is Alan Maislin, president of the Board of Directors of the CIUSSS West-Central-Montreal and a well plugged in member to the professional sports scene. Special guest speaker this year will be well known sports broadcaster Brian Wilde, who covers the Montreal Canadiens for Global TV Montreal.
The registration fee is $35 (tax included), which includes nine holes of golf, a catered sit down buffet luncheon, award-winning trophies for contests such as Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, and the opportunity to win one of many door prizes. Guest fees for non-players who wish to attend the luncheon is $20.00/person.
Once again, donations will be accepted for the the Pierre Brunet Parks and Recreation Bursary Fund sponsored by local McDonalds Restaurants Cote Saint-Luc Shopping Center Franchisee Pierre Brunet. This helps families who cannot afford to register their child in a program and takes into account requests from children with special needs as well.
Community leader Alan Maislin will help us out once again with his marvelous connections and announce a special guest speaker from the world of sports soon.
For more information contact Alvin Fishman at [email protected] or call 514-485-6806.