
The 2023 Maisons Fleuries contest recognizes excellence in garden beautifcation

The 2023 Côte Saint-Luc Maisons Fleuries Contest Awards presentation took place at City Hall on November 13, showcasing some of the beautiful work being done by our homeowners , be it in single family dwellings, town houses, duplexes or highrises.

This annual garden beautification initiative not only makes our city more beautiful, it also benefits the environment. By planting and maintaining trees, flowers and other plants, you help reduce air pollution, increase oxygen production, and contribute to saving the bees.

Councillor Sidney Benizri and I co-chaired the program. 

Here is a nice video which provides an overview of the program and a look at the winning entries.

I would like to single out the winners in my own District 2

With Frank Palucci.


For single family homes, Frank Palucci on Ilan Ramon Crescent. There are not too many people who show the care for their property as much as Frank. The two of us spend a lot of time talking when I do my walkabouts from spring to fall and he is always attending to work outside of the home. He, his wife Sandra and their children are model citizens.

Patrick Lacombe1
With Patrick Lacombe.

In the Highrise category, Le Rothchild I condominium was selected. I dropped by to present the certificate to concierge Patrick Lacombe. Like Frank, their representative was unable to make it to the ceremony. Le Rothchild I is a beautifully maintained building.

With Stepanie Zack, Marc Cowan and Mayor Mitchell Brownstein.

Finally, in the Town House category, Stephanie Zack and Marc Cowan from Cambridge Courts were chosen. They too are wonderful constituents and I have always admired the care they put into their garden.

Download This list of all the 2023 Maisons Fleuries Winners Here

Thanks to Recreation Department Director Cornelia Ziga, staffer Irene Lahaie and the rest of their team for the hard work. We had a lovely reception in the library, followed by the presentation of the awards and the showing our video at the start of our public council meeting.

La remise des prix du concours 2023 des Maisons Fleuries de Côte Saint-Luc

La remise des prix du concours 2023 des Maisons Fleuries de Côte Saint-Luc a eu lieu à l'hôtel de ville le 13 novembre dernier. Elle a permis de présenter quelques-uns des magnifiques travaux réalisés par nos propriétaires, qu'il s'agisse de maisons individuelles, de maisons de ville, de duplex ou d'immeubles.

Cette initiative annuelle d'embellissement des jardins ne fait pas qu'embellir notre ville, elle est aussi bénéfique pour l'environnement. En plantant et en entretenant des arbres, des fleurs et d'autres plantes, vous contribuez à réduire la pollution de l'air, à augmenter la production d'oxygène et à sauver les abeilles.

Le conseiller Sidney Benizri et moi-même avons coprésidé le programme.

Voici une belle vidéo qui donne une vue d'ensemble du programme et un aperçu des projets gagnants.

J'aimerais souligner les gagnants de mon propre district 2

Pour les maisons individuelles, Frank Palucci sur Ilan Ramon Crescent. Il n'y a pas beaucoup de gens qui prennent autant soin de leur propriété que Frank. Nous passons beaucoup de temps à discuter lorsque je fais mes visites du printemps à l'automne et il s'occupe toujours du travail à l'extérieur de la maison. Lui, sa femme Sandra et leurs enfants sont des citoyens modèles.

Dans la catégorie des immeubles de grande hauteur, c'est le condominium Le Rothchild I qui a été sélectionné. Je suis passé remettre le certificat au concierge Patrick Lacombe. Comme Frank, leur représentant n'a pas pu se rendre à la cérémonie. Le Rothchild I est un immeuble très bien entretenu.

Enfin, dans la catégorie des maisons de ville, Stephanie Zack et Marc Cowan de Cambridge Courts ont été choisis. Ils sont eux aussi de merveilleux électeurs et j'ai toujours admiré le soin qu'ils apportent à leur jardin.

Téléchargez la liste de tous les gagnants de 2023 Maisons Fleuries ici

Merci à Cornelia Ziga, directrice du service des loisirs, à Irene Lahaie et au reste de leur équipe pour leur travail acharné. Nous avons eu une belle réception à la bibliothèque, suivie de la remise des prix et de la projection de notre vidéo au début de la réunion du conseil municipal.




Solid fuel burning, renovictions and noise from mechanical equipment dealt with in new by-law

Côte Saint-Luc City Council held a public consultation on September 11 to discuss a proposed amendment to add new provisions to the Construction By-Law no. 2953 regarding  solid fuel burning,
renovictions, and noise from mechanical equipment.

Fuel burning

The purposes of this amendment are:

• To diminish our city’s impact on the air quality by reducing the number of people who burn solid
fuels to heat their homes, and to transition towards more modern and efficient heating equipment by
regulating their installation and replacement.
• To ensure tenants are protected from renovictions, namely by requiring that landlords provide a
written proof that tenants affected by construction or repair work have agreed to temporarily
relocate or vacate their dwelling.
• To reduce nuisances related to noise generated by mechanical equipment installed outside of a
building, such as power generators, pool equipment, heating, ventilation, and cooling units, etc.
• To clarify the wording of the original by-law and correct any inconsistencies that were
identified since its adoption.

Regarding solid fuel burning:

• The by-law sets a limit of 2.5g/hr for all new and replaced residential solid fuel-burning
• Under the new by-law, it will also be prohibited to use a non-certified system after 2025, except
for an EPA or CSA certified pellet device that is installed before this by-law comes into effect.
• The burning of any fuel other than those for which a device is certified will also be forbidden,
as well as the burning of noxious fuels such as treated or painted wood, plastics, Styrofoam, etc.
• The use of any solid-fuel-burning devices during a smog warning issued by Environment Canada
affecting any part of the Montreal Region will be forbidden, except in the event of a power outage
lasting over three hours.


Regarding renovictions:

• Under this by-law, landlords who are carrying out work that requires evacuation of a dwelling
must provide written documentation demonstrating that affected tenants have agreed to either
temporarily relocate or voluntarily vacate their dwellings during the renovation work.
• Tenants who have agreed to temporarily relocate must have been presented with a clear expected
timeline for their return. The contact information of each affected tenant must also be provided.

I have a number of apartment buildings in my district.


Regarding noise from mechanical equipment installed outside of a building:

• Generators must not produce noise levels that exceed the following: 65 dBA outside, measured within a 25 ft. radius of the noise source; 45 dBA inside a residential building or a healthcare facility; 48 dBA inside an office building

 Other mechanical equipment installed outside or on the roof of a building, including heat pumps,
pool pumps, air conditioning or ventilation units, must not produce noise levels that exceed the
following:  60 dBA outside, measured within a 25 ft. radius of the noise source; 45 dBA inside a residential building or a healthcare facility; or 48 dBA inside an office building.

It should be noted that these noise limits are for the daytime (7 am to 11 pm) and that the by-law
also includes noise limits for the nighttime.

I am certainly glad to see us doing something about noisy generators. Two in particular in my district have caused serious problems for people living next door to buildings where the noise pollution is emanating from.

For the present by-law to come into effect, its adoption and approval process must follow the
different steps prescribed by provincial laws, which means it will be a few more months since this is regulated.

Plans to reimagine the building at Cavendish and Kildare begin to take shape

Aaron Bitton has big plans for the office building at the corner of Cavendish and Kildare. Via his family’s company, Holand Leasing, he has already submitted two zoning amendment requests to city council to add a pharmacy and a café.  A public consultation meeting was held on July 11 and nobody showed up. Those changes will be formally adopted on August 14.

Aaron Bitton with me in front of the building.


Aaron, 31,  grew up in Côte Saint-Luc and his father Gad raised the family here and remains in the same house. Gad is the ultimate success story. His group of car dealerships and real estate holdings continue to grow. Aaron had been living in Israel for a decade. When he returned home with his wife  Dalia and their five children last fall he was tasked with a number of projects including this building in the heart of my District 2.

For years the building housed Police Station 9. The Royal Bank remains anchor tenant.  Aaron has his sights set on attracting medical and dental clinics, massage therapists, music studios, professionals and a daycare. While there is no present-day zoning for the latter, a trial run has been in place for months. Hebrew Academy’s daycare has been parked here temporarily after a pipe burst in its headquarters. I  accompanied Aaron to the building recently. Drop off was scattered between 7:30 am and 9 am. There is an entrance via the back parking lot, so if this comes to council a lot of the obvious questions will already have answers.

The café will have an outdoor entrance and a terrasse. Aaron hopes work can begin on this soon. I believe this will be a wonderful addition to the neighbourhood. As for the pharmacy, I did express some concern about this given the fact we have one of the best in the business across the street. Pharmaprix Cavendish is expertly run by the husband and wife team of David Banon and Sarah Ettedgui and serves the community well. Aaron has assured council he is looking to add a very small pharmacy that will there to handle prescriptions for the medical clinics he hopes to attract.

Aaron would also like to see if he can lure  clinics for blood tests and radiology. Family Physician Dr. Norman Sabin, a regular council meeting attendee who practices out of the Queen Elizabeth Health Centre, said he’d relocate to the Cavendish/Kildare building if such services would be offered.

As for parking, there are 96 indoor and 76 outdoor. Unquestionably, with thousands of people living within easy walking distance, potential medical clinics would not necessarily require people to arrive via a vehicle.

“Last year one of our major tenants left after having been here for 10 years,” Aaron explained. “That left us with a 75 percent vacancy rate. We intend to fill all of those spots in a way that the neighbourhood benefits as well.”

Is a café with a terrasse and retail commerce in the plans for Cavendish and Kildare?

A proposal will soon be coming to City Council from our Planning Advisory Committee in regard to a rezoning request for the office building at 5757 Cavendish, corner of Kildare.

The request is to allow for a restaurant and retail commerce.   Retail could include arts and crafts boutiques, a book store, antique shop, art gallery, artists or craftmen's workshops or studios, decoration shops, union or political party offices, photo studio, retail postal outlet, convenience type stores (tobacco shop or new stand), food market, natural foods, pastry shop, caterer, bakery, deli, fruit store or an interior  fruit and vegetable market and a pharmacy. I am opposed to the latter, given the fact we have one of the best pharmacies in the city across the street in pharmarcy.

A rendering of what the café would look like. It would be better placed facing Cavendish.

From the owners of the building are telling the city right now,  for the restaurant they wish to introduce a health café  which would offer salads, poke bowls, quality sandwiches and coffee and include a seasonal outdoor terrasse. This is something I would  100 percent support.

The owners wish to add the pharmacy to complement  the medical facilities in the building.

For years, 5757 has been home to an RBC bank and for some time Police Station 9 was based there. While there is parking in the rear, this is not a large lot so we need to keep that in mind when making a final decision on this propos

A longer view of a proposed improved facade.

It is unlikely that most of the retail categories mentioned above will surface in this building. However, I would like to see a fruit store.

This dossier is now in the hands of our Urban Planning Department. Before any approval takes place, there will be a public consultation.

Un café avec terrasse et commerce de détail est-il prévu à Cavendish et Kildare?

Notre Comité consultatif d'urbanisme soumettra bientôt au Conseil municipal une proposition concernant une demande de rezonage pour l'immeuble de bureaux situé au 5757 Cavendish, à l'angle de Kildare.

La demande vise à autoriser l'ouverture d'un restaurant et d'un commerce de détail. Le commerce de détail pourrait inclure des boutiques d'art et d'artisanat, une librairie, un magasin d'antiquités, une galerie d'art, des ateliers ou studios d'artistes ou d'artisans, des magasins de décoration, des bureaux de syndicats ou de partis politiques, un studio de photographie, un comptoir postal de détail, des magasins de type commodité (bureau de tabac ou nouveau stand), un marché alimentaire, des aliments naturels, une pâtisserie, un traiteur, une boulangerie, une charcuterie, un magasin de fruits ou un marché intérieur de fruits et légumes, et une pharmacie. Je suis opposé à cette dernière, étant donné que nous avons l'une des meilleures pharmacies de la ville de l'autre côté de la rue, à Pharmaprix.

D'après ce que les propriétaires du bâtiment disent à la ville en ce moment, ils souhaitent introduire pour le restaurant un café santé qui offrirait des salades, des poke bowls, des sandwichs de qualité et du café et qui comprendrait une terrasse extérieure saisonnière. C'est un projet que je soutiendrais à 100 %.

Les propriétaires souhaitent ajouter une pharmacie pour compléter les installations médicales du bâtiment.

Pendant des années, le 5757 a abrité une banque RBC et, pendant un certain temps, le commissariat de police 9 y a été installé. Bien qu'il y ait un parking à l'arrière, il ne s'agit pas d'un grand terrain et nous devons garder cela à l'esprit lorsque nous prendrons une décision finale sur cette proposition.

Il est peu probable que la plupart des catégories de commerces mentionnées ci-dessus se retrouvent dans ce bâtiment. Cependant, j'aimerais y voir un magasin de fruits.

Ce dossier est maintenant entre les mains de notre service d'urbanisme. Avant toute approbation, il y aura une consultation publique.

Traduit avec




 Moishes Restaurant to return with a brand new location at Meadowbrook Golf Course (April Fool's)

In a dramatic announcement Groupe Grandio will revive the iconic Moishes Restaurant with a brand new building at Meadowbrook Golf Course in Côte Saint-Luc.

Groupe Grandio, headed by Jean Bedard, owns Le Cage Brasserie Sportive chain. Then known as Groupe Sportscene, Groupe Grandio  purchased Moishes  on St. Laurent Blvd. from the Lighter family in December of 2018. Two years later Moishes shut its doors at the start of the pandemic as the building and parking lot were sold. Original plans called for Moishes to resurface in a downtown location.

The new Moishes.


Last summer Bedard joined friends for a game of golf at Meadowbrook. He had never been there before. When he saw all of the available parking spaces and the large clubhouse space that has not been abandoned for years, the light bulb went off in his head.

Since zoning is already in place for a commercial building, Bedard’s team will be submitting architectural plans to the city imminently so renovations can commence and the revived Moishes can be back in business by the fall.

Mayor Mitchell Brownstein met with Bedard and pledged to have the portion of Côte St. Luc Road closest to Meadowbrook completely repaved. “Who has not loved Moishes Restaurant?” Brownstein asked. “I have so many fabulous memories from family dinners there. What a  dream it is to bring this famous institution to our community.”

Bedard said that during golf season, Moishes will be open for lunch with a more modest menu. He said discussions with Meadowbrook Groupe Pacifique, owners of the course, went very well. In fact, he is not dismissing the possibility of Groupe Grandio purchasing the entire Meadowbrook property.

“I must admit,” said Bedard, “one of my bucket list items has always been to have my own golf course. I see this becoming a Golf and Country Club.”

Bedard is extremely well connected. He is already talking to the Montreal Canadiens to hold their charity golf tournament there.

With new owners, a new location, and new clientele, what  will make the new Moishes Moishes?

“What we're trying to do is to keep the iconic items of Moishes there,”  Bedard said. “I think that we’re keeping the DNA of the past, but we’re bringing Moishes into the future which is a very delicate operation.

The menu will evolve too, he told CTV. “The winners will stay there,” he said. “You know, the pickles, the famous coleslaw, the steaks, obviously, but I think we can go a little bit further, maybe in terms of a fish” option, he said. “People are eating very differently.”

Oh yes, while this would be an absolutely remarkable development, it is appearing on this blog on April 1. So April Fool’s Day to all!

AND  I have it on good authority that a formal announcement of a new Moishes location will be announced soon. 

Equinoxe residents express their concerns over hot water issue/ Les résidents d'Equinoxe expriment leurs inquiétudes sur la question de l'eau chaude

The Equinoxe Marc Chagall (,  marketed as refined rental condos, opened its first  of two phases in the summer of 2018.  As the five year anniversary approaches, the facility is full to capacity yet still seemingly experiencing some growing pains.

In my 17 years as the city councillor  for District 2, this building has kept me very busy.  I am pleased to say that the administration has always worked closely with me on issues of concern, never dodging my calls. In addition, some of the residents there remain in very frequent touch with me.

Over the past few weeks I was made aware of a problem with the hot water at the Equinoxe. On many days, it simply does not work.


On March 23 I responded to a request from some residents to meet virtually. As I have said before, this is probably one of the few positive things  the COVID-19 pandemic has brought us. Organizing last minute meetings via Zoom is quite productive and I do so with my constituents often.  In the case of the Equinoxe tenants, they appear very well organized. There were more than 70 units represented, some of whom shared the computer screen with neighbours so as many as 140 people.

Besides the hot water, tenants shared some other concerns which I have relayed to the building administration.  According to them, there is a need to permanently repair or replace the three boilers and they hope to have this resolved very soon. I told the tenants I am always there to listen and advocate for them.

One thing does come across clear whenever I visit the building; tenants like the atmosphere. “We are one big family,” tenant leader Stephen Wise said. “Friendships have been built. We got through COVID together and want the problems that exist to all be resolved.”

Tenant Alisa Clamen, a lawyer by profession, and Wise, a long time tenant have indicated plans to advise tenants and the building of possible actions involving the Tribunal administratif du logement (TAL) immediately. 

I will remain closely in touch with the administration and the tenants on this issue.

L'Equinoxe Marc Chagall, commercialisé en tant que condos locatifs raffinés, a ouvert la première de ses deux phases à l'été 2018.  À l'approche de son cinquième anniversaire, l'établissement est plein à craquer, mais semble encore éprouver quelques difficultés de croissance.

Au cours de mes 17 années en tant que conseiller municipal du district 2, ce bâtiment m'a beaucoup occupé.  Je suis heureux de dire que l'administration a toujours travaillé en étroite collaboration avec moi sur les questions qui me préoccupent, sans jamais esquiver mes appels. En outre, certains des résidents de l'immeuble restent en contact très fréquent avec moi.

Ces dernières semaines, j'ai été informée d'un problème d'eau chaude à l'Equinoxe. Certains jours, elle ne fonctionne tout simplement pas.

Le 23 mars, j'ai répondu à la demande de certains résidents de se rencontrer virtuellement. Comme je l'ai déjà dit, c'est probablement l'un des rares points positifs que la pandémie de COVID-19 nous a apportés. Organiser des réunions de dernière minute via Zoom est très productif et je le fais souvent avec mes électeurs.  Dans le cas des locataires d'Equinoxe, ils semblent très bien organisés. Plus de 70 logements étaient représentés, certains partageant l'écran d'ordinateur avec des voisins, soit jusqu'à 140 personnes.

Outre l'eau chaude, les locataires ont fait part d'autres préoccupations que j'ai transmises à l'administration de l'immeuble.  Selon eux, il est nécessaire de réparer ou de remplacer définitivement les trois chaudières et ils espèrent que ce problème sera résolu très bientôt. J'ai dit aux locataires que j'étais toujours là pour les écouter et les défendre.

Une chose est claire à chaque fois que je visite le bâtiment : les locataires apprécient l'atmosphère qui y règne. "Nous formons une grande famille", a déclaré Stephen Wise, chef de file des locataires. "Des amitiés se sont créées. Nous avons traversé COVID ensemble et nous voulons que les problèmes existants soient résolus.

La locataire Alisa Clamen, avocate de profession, et M. Wise, locataire de longue date, ont fait part de leur intention d'informer les locataires et l'immeuble des actions possibles impliquant immédiatement le Tribunal administratif du logement (TAL).

Je resterai en contact étroit avec l'administration et les locataires sur cette question.

Traduit avec  

Be informed about our master plan for three CSL malls; Révision du plan d’urbanisme et du règlement de zonage

I wish to advise my constituents in District 2 (particularly those living closer to Quartier Cavendish) and citizens at large to  invite you to a virtual information session on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, at 7pm that will focus on the redevelopment of the three shopping malls in Côte Saint-Luc. This is part of our months-long public consultations on the master plan and zoning by-law revision.


Sunday September 18th you are invited to the in-person open house at the Aquatic and Community Centre 5794 Parkhaven from 10 am to 4 pm


The information session takes place over Zoom. You must register in advance:

Please note : You will receive a zoom invitation from Lauren Vantellingen [email protected]

Your participation and questions at the information session and open house are always appreciated.

Looking forward to meeting with you


Révision du plan d’urbanisme et du règlement de zonage

Chers résidants du District 2 et CSL


Je vous écris pour vous inviter à une séance d'information virtuelle le mardi 13 septembre 2022 à 19 h qui portera sur le réaménagement des trois centres commerciaux de Côte Saint-Luc. Cela fait partie de nos consultations publiques sur le plan d’urbanisme et la révision du règlement de zonage.

De plus le dimanche le 18 Septembre vous êtes invités à participer à une journée portes ouvertes de 10 h a 16 h au Centre communautaire et aquatique 5794 Parkhaven

La séance d'information se déroule sur Zoom. Vous devez vous inscrire au préalable :

Veuillez noter : Vous recevrez votre invitation zoom de la part de Lauren Vantellingen [email protected]

Votre participation et vos questions sont toujours appréciées.

Au plaisir de vous voir bientôt



Proposed seven floor building on Marc Chagall only in the proposal stage

In recent days I have received several calls from people asking about a small notice that was placed at the corner of Marc Chagall Avenue and Kildare Road. It is from our Urban Planning Department and explains that the city has received an application from a developer to build a seven floor, 28 unit apartment complex on the site at that spot near Beth Chabad CSL and Bialik High School.

This land is presently zoned for a two storey commercial building.  A zoning amendment approved by Council and then taken to local residents for consultation would be required.

The zoning for a two storey commercial building is for behind the fence.


Our Planning Advisory Committee has reviewed the proposal and will make a recommendation to city council, likely by August. I will keep everyone up to date. We are merely following process by sharing the developer's wishes.

I had invited the developer to have an information meeting with residents first, but he favored going  directly to Urban Planning.


Ces derniers jours, j'ai reçu plusieurs appels de personnes s'interrogeant sur un petit avis placé à l'angle de l'avenue Marc Chagall et de Kildare Road. Il provient de notre service d'urbanisme et explique que la ville a reçu une demande d'un promoteur pour construire un complexe d'appartements de sept étages et de 28 unités sur le site à cet endroit, près du Beth Chabad CSL et  Bialik.

Ce terrain est actuellement zoné pour un bâtiment commercial de deux étages.  Une modification du zonage approuvée par le Conseil et soumise ensuite à la consultation des résidents locaux serait nécessaire.

Notre comité consultatif d'urbanisme a examiné la proposition et fera une recommandation au conseil municipal, probablement d'ici le mois d'août. Je tiendrai tout le monde au courant. Nous ne faisons que suivre le processus en partageant les souhaits du promoteur.


Why I voted for a first reading of proposed new synagogue and community centre on Mackle Road and where we go from here

Over the last few weeks many people have asked me why I voted in favor of the first reading of the rezoning of land on Mackle Road to house a new synagogue and community centre under the auspices of the Fondation Sepharade Kollel Avrechim.



What the proposed building would look like.

First off, please pay attention to the words “first reading.”  For many years the Fondation Sepharade Kollel Avrechim has been operating out of a duplex on Parkhaven Avenue. I equate their beginnings to Beth Chabad CSL, which operated from the old Eaton’s at the Cavendish Mall and in the CSL Shopping Centre until they constructed a beautiful facility on Kildare Road and Marc Chagall. The Fondation Sepharade Kollel Avrechim deserves something better than a duplex.

Initially they bought land on Mackle Road right next to the CLSC René Cassin for what was to be a very modest-sized building. Neighbours opposed the project, signed a register and council stopped any potential development. We did identify land across from Maimonides Hospital, which was not near any homes and honestly we expected them to come back to us with the same sized structure. Instead, what materialized was something more than triple the size.

When I spoke to their leaders just a few years ago I asked them if they would give up their Parkhaven duplex once the new building opened and the response was affirmative. Now we learn that they intend to keep it. Parkhaven is not my district so that really is for the local councillor to work on.

Why did I vote in favor of the first reading? I felt it was important for this project to go to public consultation and due to the pandemic and the coverage of this dossier in The Suburban I knew we would have a strong presence online. Some 200 people ended up tuning in and voicing their comments. The response continued on local Facebook pages.

Had we voted this project down, then there would have been no opportunity to hear what the public had to say. I truly hope that the commentary we heard at the public consultation resonated with the congregation. Please make note. I support them. They do excellent work in the community and we are lucky to have them in our midst. To their credit they have approached some local synagogues whom many believe have room in their buildings to cohabitate, but they had no luck. Can the city play a role in mediating? That would certainly be a lot simpler than constructing a building from scratch.

City Council will convene for our next vote on April 12. In my opinion the Fondation Sepharade Kollel Avrechim should adhere to many of the valid concerns raised at the consultation regarding parking and drop off.  Their proposal needs to be revised to take these points into consideration.

I must add that I am troubled by the combative nature of some of our residents who have tried to make this an anti-synagogue issue. Côte Saint-Luc has one of the largest Jewish communities per capita in the world next to Israel and New York. We must all learn to live together as friends and partners.

I am glad we got such a strong response. The consultation, I believe, can create a “win win” situation for everyone involved. Indeed it is clear that the proposal presently before us by Fondation Sepharade Kollel Avrechim is not feasible nor safe. The ball is in their court to come back to us, either before April 12 or if the vote does not pass. But to all citizen of Côte Saint-Luc, if all of the factors due line up in a revised plan then we all need to keep an open mind.

On the eve of Passover, let us all be one strong community. Melodie Cohn, who was my opponent in the last election and has since become a friend and an important voice in District 2, has created a hashtag of #CSLStrong and she adds how we should all celebrate the fact we have so many rich cultures in our community,

The grounds of 6700 The Avenue gets a nice facelift

The new owners of 6700 The Avenue have lived up to all of their promises to bring their building up to proper standards.


The front of the building.

Our Urban Development Department confirms that a contractor has completed all the requested items on a list of deficiencies. The contractor installed the new asphalt for the driveway and walkway that leads to and from Park Place on  October 1. A fence was installed a day later on the walkway. The only item remaining is  to replace a damaged streetlight. This item will take time because a request was demanded from Hydro for a connection, and this   usually takes a minimum of four weeks to process and answer.

The fully restored greenspace.

Last spring the rear parking lot  was paved and the fencing against the Park Place residential backyards was repaired. There was also important work done at the front entrance  and just a few weeks ago the large patch of land which had been used to house construction material was turned back into beautiful greenspace.

The new fence and paved pathway.

Part of the main floor of the building is zoned commercial. At the present time the owners have  no potential new tenants. However, work will begin soon on at least two new residential units.

The five floor  building has an indoor pool and workout room,  ceramic floors and custom kitchens with Quartz countertops and stainless kitchen appliances (with dishwashers). Security cameras are on every floor and exterior. Central A/C, heating and hot water are included.

Thank you Melissa Latifi, Emile Badea and your town for all the excellent work on this project. A shout out as well to the original developer Ron Basel. From the city, Charles Senekal, Jeff Davey, Beatrice Newman and Dalia Mohamed and company steered this ship wonderfully!