Côte Saint-Luc holds Remembrance Day ceremony
Why I voted against the Master Plan/ Pourquoi j'ai voté contre le plan d'urbanisme

Master Plan Meeting Nov. 20: Public to hear the city's vision on the three major shopping centres for the first time

For the last three years our city has been gathering feedback from the public on our revision to the municipal Master Plan and Zoning By-law revision documents.

This was a rendering the owners of Quartier Cavendish gave us some two years ago. We do not know their present stance.

 The city has been looking to capture the values and the essence of what makes Côte Saint-Luc home to you. There have been a wide variety of consultations. While the three major shopping centres, Quartier Cavendish, Decarie Square and Côte St. Luc Shopping Centre, will be a major part of this plan we have been provided with little information as to what they precisely have in mind. It has been more than two years since they showcased some ideas at a show and tell at our Aquatic and Community Centre.

I urge citizens to attend in person or watch on Zoom our Wed. November 20 (7 pm) special meeting at City Hall at which time we will give notice of motion to the tabling of draft by-laws This is when developers and the public will first gain access to our new bylaws and may start to review them with their professionals and prepare realistic, conforming plans for their development project.

More than a decade ago the Quartier Cavendish was reduced in size by almost 50 percent, making room for new homes and one apartment building we now see along Cavendish, The Avenue, Park Place, Jubilee and Kellert. Now the ownership wants the city to give them the ability to reinvent themselves completely, with a mixed-use project of commerce and high-rise buildings from two to 20 storeys. We don't know which tenants will stay, leave or be relocated.

The November 20 meeting will provide details on proposed density, height, uses and norms. Those can all be changed if necessary. During this period if developers and the public have concerns with the new by-laws, they may share them (e. g. by writing an opinion brief, speaking at the consultation, or meeting with city officials). For developers, this is the best time to ask the city to include any missing key components of their “wants.”

There is no final vote for rezoning on November 20 agenda, but this will be the first opportunity for residents and merchants to get their first look at the vision our Urban Planning Department has for the entire community and the three shopping centres. A formal consultation will take place in early 2025 and we hope soon after that we will hear from officials from Quartier Cavendish and two others as to what their desired game plan will be.

For District 2, residents of Kildare Towers, Jubilee, Park Place, The Avenue and parts of Cavendish Blvd will be most impacted by any long-term construction. The “vision” by our staff could see two highrise buildings on the Avenue, one between Kellert and the Scotiabank side entrance and another at the corner of Cavendish. The rest of the potential construction would have a more direct impact on District 6 residents along Kellert and those from District 8 along Mackle.

I have taken no formal position on the master plan yet. Keep in mind that when the program does go for a final vote, the city will open a register which will allow every single resident to have their say on whether to force a referendum. Given the fact the number of eligible voters is so large, putting a stop to the master plan will be a task. That is why I strongly recommend everyone stay informed and try to attend all the meetings we hold on this subject.

To learn more about the master plan and how to attend the meeting (in person or virtually) go to www.cotesaintluc.org/engage



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