Mourning the passing of Peter Kovac
Remembering one-time CSL Councillor Lionel Segal

 Children’s Corner Daycare  negotiating to relocate to Kildare/Cavendish building pending consultation

A new daycare centre is poised to take up occupancy at the building at the corner of Cavendish and Kildare. City Council has adopted a notice of motion and first reading, with a public consultation likely to take place on Monday evening, February 12 prior to our regular 8 pm meeting.


With Aaron Bitton at the building last summer.

Holand Leasing owns the building and over the past year Aaron Bitton and his team have been hard at work to give it a facelift.  The RBC branch remains an anchor tenant. On the way is some form of a medical clinic, a pharmacy and a café. News to come on all of that.  Now the Children’s Corner, an established daycare that has been operating at the Kildare Medical Centre for 45  years, is waiting for the necessary approvals to move in. Their current lease ends on June 30 and they are in negotiations with Holand.

We already had a dry run for another daycare that used the facility last spring and summer due to a problem at their regular venue and everything went very smoothly. In fact I visited the space with Mr. Bitton. In the warmer months they can walk the kids over to Rembrandt Park to enjoy the facility, notably the waterplay area. Drop off is scattered over a 90 minute period. Parents can park in the back lot, where there is another entrance or on Cavendish Blvd. We are also looking at some other new traffic measures to ensure  cars do not cause a backup if they attempt to enter the lot coming from Cavendish.

Staff will have indoor parking privileges. It is expected that about 80 children will be enrolled.

I am in favor of the continued revitalization  of this building.


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