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The return of a full-fledged Winter Carnival


Luc Bonhomme Carnival.


While I will preface my remarks by reminding everyone that the COVID-19 pandemic is not over, the restrictions are. With that in mind, it was wonderful to enjoy our first full-fledged Winter Carnival at Trudeau Park since 2020.

Andee Shuster and I with a very tall lady.


Bravo to the team from our Parks and Recreation Department. They did a fantastic job, from the successful figure skating presentation, horse-caleche rides, snow games such as broom ball, ice sculptures, taffy on the snow, roasted marshmallows, hot chocolate, cotton candy from Mark Bessner and much more.

Mike and Mark Besner
Nobody makes better cotton candy than Mark Bessner

It was wonderful to see so many families with young children enjoying the festivities.

The horse-drawn caleches are always popular.

Mayor Mitchell Brownstein and members of city council were on hand. 

At the arena with our mascot.

The traditional pancake breakfast courtesy of the local McDonald’s was not on the schedule this year due to the unavailability of our chalet. Hopefully that will return next year!

Taffy on the snow.



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