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Côte Saint-Luc ends assocation with SPCA; turns to Contrôle animalier Vaudreuil Soulanges

I wish to extend a huge thank you to the City of Côte Saint-Luc Public Safety Department for doing such an excellent job overseeing Animal Protection in our community. 

We have some news to share on this dossier, which represents one of my portfolios as a city councillor.  Let’s start off with  the Montreal SPCA and the city’s decision to terminate our longstanding contract with the organization.    After performing  due diligence, and surveying many of his public security colleagues, the city recommended that we switch to another supplier Contrôle animalier Vaudreuil Soulanges.


Director of Public Safety Philip Chateauvert reports that many of our neighbouring municipalities using this service are very content.  “We met with the managers of this company and chose to move forward with them for 2023,” he said. “It is a beautiful family business with fully bilingual staff, who have at heart the well-being of animals and are strongly focused on customer service.” 


How will this affect our public?   If anyone calls the Montreal SPCA, they will dispatched to  Contrôle animalier Vaudreuil. The latter does have regular patrols in the West End already.

The number to call  is    514-485-6960 (our dispatch center) to request this service.

As you probably know our Public Safety Department is responsible for animal control and offers some services directly with its staff while some other services are provided through contracts with suppliers. 

In terms of Animal Protection, our Public Safety Department oversees by-law enforcement, dog and cat licensing, the management of dog attack or dangerous dog files, the capture of lost or runaway dogs, the temporary housing of stray pets, management of abandoned or unclaimed animals and the  collection of non-hazardous injured wildlife (i.e.groundhogs, squirrels, raccoons). They do not handle birds of prey, coyotes, etc.. 

The other two branches of Animal Protection are the TNRM (trap-neuter-release-maintain)   overseen by our Volunteer Cats Committee  and dangerous animal management, for which we contract professional trappers to relocate animals that have found their way to CSL. 


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