The CSL Golf Classic is back August 9 at Meadowbrook
May 29, 2022
It’s been a while, but the Côte Saint-Luc Golf Classic is back! What better way to spend a summer day than enjoying the company of friends old and new as we tee off at Meadowbrook Golf Club in Cote Saint-Luc for our 41st Annual Golf Classic on Tuesday, August 9 2022?
After a two-year hiatus, this year’s Classic is bound to attract many new and returning players eager to participate in our fun and friendly competition. The Golf Classic will be a Scramble (Best Ball Forward). We expect this event to sell-out once again, so register early!
Côte Saint-Luc City Council and the Côte Saint-Luc Men’s Club will collaborate on the event, with myself and Dida Berku joined by Mannie Young as co-chairs. Former City Councillors Glenn J. Nashen and Sam Goldbloom will be this year’s honorees.
Glenn served on city council for more than 25 years. He was a key player in the area of public safety, having launched the Volunteer Citizens on Patrol (VCOPs) and participating as an active member of the Emergency Medical Services. Sam was a councillor for 12 years and co-chaired the Golf Classic with me on many occasions.
The Golf Classic will continue with a tradition I started a few years ago and accept donations to the Parks and Recreation Bursary Fund. The donations raised help disadvantaged families and families with children who have special needs in Côte Saint-Luc who cannot afford to register their children in seasonal programs and activities operated by the City of Côte Saint-Luc’s Parks and Recreation Department.
If you own a business or have business contacts who may be interested in supporting the Fund, please have them contact Anisa Cameron at Côte Saint-Luc Parks and Recreation at [email protected] no later than July 9.
Registration Fees
The cost to participate in this year’s Golf Classic is $35/player (senior rates are not applicable).
The Men’s club will receive an exclusive registration window from June 10 to 16 at the Aquatic and Community Center (ACC) Front Desk, 5794 Parkhaven Avenue, Monday through Sunday from 8 am to 9 pm. Registration will open to the general public on June 17.
When registering a foursome, please have the names of all players in your foursome including their address, postal code and telephone number. Please register as soon as possible as there is limited space.
Payment for a foursome or a single player must be paid in full at the time of registration.
The registration fees cover the cost of nine holes of golf, a catered box luncheon, award-winning trophies for contest holes such as Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin and the opportunity to win a door prize. The Guest fee for non-players who wish to attend the luncheon is $20/person.
Tee Times
Tee times will run from 7 am to 10:30am (please try to respect your assigned tee-off time). A pull cart is included in your registration. If you require an electric cart, there are limited numbers and the rental must be paid directly to the Golf Club in advance (minimum of two days) before the event takes place. Please note that the cost of the golf cart rentals are discussed with the Meadowbrook Golf Club Club House Attendant. The cost for electric cart rentals are not included in your overall registration fee to play in this event.
Box Luncheon in the Ashkelon Gardens
The luncheon will be held in the Ashkelon Gardens behind the Eleanor London Public Library from 1 pm to 3 pm. Everyone will be entertained by the musical stylings of Qué Sera and be served a boxed luncheon from Pizza Pita.
Kindly note, in the event of inclement weather, The Golf Classic rain date is scheduled for Tuesday, August 16.
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Posted by: Jason Peek | June 26, 2022 at 10:55 AM