IGA Lipari at Côte St. Luc Shopping Centre going the extra mile to assist clients for Passover orders
March 09, 2021
It is hard to believe, but we are headed towards our second COVID-19 Passover and that brings with it many challenges.
Right about now, grocery stores in the Jewish communities have aisles of Passover products. Most of the non-perishables are in while we might have to wait just a little bit longer for the frozen goods.
There are still many people in our community, particularly seniors, who do not wish to physically go into a store. To avoid that they have relied upon curbside pickup or delivery the past year. In order to do so you must register an account with IGA, Provigo or Metro and input your order several days in advance.
For Passover, though, you are not really going to see a list of items you need on the data base.
Now I have always done my Passover shopping at the IGA Lipari at the Côte Saint-Luc Shopping Centre. Owner Pete Lipari is a prince of an individual. Last summer he worked with the Nellie Philanthropy Foundation. David Lisbona, Councillor Mitch Kujavsky, his sister Pam Kujavsky, and Melissa Margles spearheaded a group of about 200 volunteers who packed and delivered orders to seniors. Lipari let them stay after hours and before opening in the morning to complete the task.
Well, once again, Lipari is stepping up. Beginning Friday, March 12 people can reserve their Passover orders by sending an email to [email protected]. It is important to merely list the name of the product you want, such as egg matzvah or chocolate cake mix. Someone will call you within two days to go over the items and take your credit card. You can then arrange for it to be delivered or picked up. The last day of operation for this option will be Monday, March 22 at Noon.
This is something those of us who have elderly parents can take care of it they do not have email. Many seniors have received their first vaccines, but they do not kick in for three weeks. So it remains highly advisable for them to stay home and safe.
Here is a basic list of Passover items you can order:
- Borch
- Gelfilte fish
- Matzah
- Egg Matzah
- Whole wheat Matzah
- Matzah Farfel
- Matzah meal
- Cake meal
- Vegetable oil
- Sugar brown sugar
- Passover coke/diet coke
- White rock seltzer
- Chicken consume
- Matzah ball min
- Matzah ball and soup mix
- Jam, assorted flavors
- Instant coffee/tea
- Cereal
- Passover cake mix
- Kedem grape juice
- Candles
- Spices
- Matzah crumbs
- Passover cookies, cakes
- And many more items including meat, cold cuts, salads, dairy, etc
If you have another item, just list it. The phone number is 514-486-3254.