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Is train noise bothering you? We need to hear your voice loud and clear

At my most recent District 2 Advisory Committee meeting, held via Zoom, train noise was on the agenda.

Councillor Dida Berku is teaming up with me for a District 2 and 3 Coalition to try and deal with excessive train noise from the CP Railway. Frank Palucci said he even hears the trains all the way on Ilan Ramon Crescent.  There was an incident recently in which a piece of equipment broke down, causing a few sleepless nights for residents of Merrimac and Baily Road residents.


Merrimac resident Charles Guerin is leading an effort to gather complaints. Below are his instructions:

What we need from people are for them first to email a complaint to CP Rail “Community Connect ([email protected]) ,” it’s sort of a help desk for CP Rail. The email should CC: [email protected] on all correspondence, Cote St Luc’s legal counsel.

Community Connect will send everyone back a form letter the next day that explains why CP is good and their complaint is a waste of time…everyone should ignore that. The email complaint should address these points:

  1. What type of noise is bothering them? — Idling, braking, shunting (loud crashing sounds), bells, horns or something else?
  1. When does it happen when it bothers them? — Daytime, Nighttime
  1. Where are they located (address is fine)? How far is this approximately from the train?
  1. Have they experienced any of the following?

            - Woken up in the middle of the night?

            - House shaking?

            - Frightened by sudden loud noise or crash?

            - Other

  1. What effect is it having on them?

            - Loss of sleep

            - Anxiety

            - Depression

            - Fear

  1. Do any specific incidents that come to mind, particularly where they remember a date and time?
  1. What would they like to see happen?

            [ ] Noise barriers added

            [ ] Fewer trains at night

            [ ] Fewer trains at all times

            [ ] Ban on bells and horns at night

            [ ] Repair of old equipment such as manual switches

            [ ] Stop leaving the trains idling

            [ ] Slow the speed of the trains

            [ ] Increase the speed of the trains


"I am located at 5685 Ch Merrimac, the idling noise at night is shaking our house and waked me up every night, sometimes several times a night. My child wakes up too when loud crashes occur despite our sound-proofing windows. I am losing sleep every night.

Last week you left a train idling for close to 48 hours, this is unacceptable!

I am asking CP to add a noise barrier in my area, reduce the number of trains at night and replace the antiquated equipment so that trains can roll past faster without the need for idling."

I would like to thank Charles for his efforts and urge those who are impacted by this noise to please take the appropriate action.



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Carole silber

I live on park place, we hear the trains horns at 4 am some nights . I have a 2 year old and it woke her up 2 nights this week and frightened her so much that she has nightmares about it . Its not only very loud but it’s repetitive , sometimes several times a night. My child wakes up too when loud crashes occur. I am losing sleep over this .

I am asking CP to add a noise barrier in my area, reduce the number of trains at night and replace the adequate equipment so that trains can roll past faster without the need for honking .

Edward Mccormack

I live in Trenton Ontario K8V-2K9, across from cp rail tracks and am constantly bothered by trains idling and staging, I keep losing sleep and my nerves are getting worse. I have made contact with C.P. several times and it stops for a week or so and they start over again. This is an on going issue and I would like it to stop. I can't open my windows to enjoy fresh air, I rent a unit and can't put up with it.

Peter Ferland

If the likes of Mississauga, Milton, Pickering, Brighton, Markham, Tyendinaga, and others can exist without train whistles (a euphemisms for loud horn), then why not Trenton? These horns are impacting the quality of life for all residents living around the train tracks. Surely, if people are accustomed to stoping at a STOP sign and traffic lights, they can stop at bells clanging while lights are flashing and a barrier is being lowered without the need of a train whistle? And, for those crossings where this paraphernalia does not exist, place a Stop sign, or better still ,install the proper equipment. Surely the impacted residents pay taxes, support local businesses, and some even vote. Don’t they deserve to be treated well and allowed to enjoy their surroundings without being disturbed 24/7 by these unnecessary horns?


Hello, since 1 am I have been listening to a train idling outside my bedroom, it is now 3:30 am and still idling. I have called the phone number and have begged them to either move the freight train or turn it off and they refuse to do either. I have video of how loud it is from my bedroom and from outside. I have emailed these videos into the email that you provided. I am now going to work with no sleep and I am a trucker!!!!

lynne steiert

right this very minute there is a lot of banging going on. It is 2 am. children go to school and people go to work, but not at this time! You morons are simply that. Not to mention crackhead behavoirs. You are filthy, disgusting poor excuse for humans!

lynne steiert

Not to mention the squealing of brakes etc. Very quiet during the day! Grab some brain cells along the way, you filthy people!

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