Leslie Perez joins the race in District 8 by-election
Another successful winter carnival is in the books

Former City Councillor Isadore Goldberg has passed away at the age of 94.

Former City Councillor Isadore Goldberg has passed away at the age of 94.

Goldberg, a distinguished World War II veteran, served on council from 1983 to 2001  and represented  District 1. At that time the district encompassed the area of MacDonald Avenue, where he resided, the North of Hampstead/Decarie Square section and in what was a strange electoral  map at the time, Sir Walter Scott Avenue and Marc Chagall. 

The  boundaries were changed in 2005 when I ran in District 2. Sir Walter Scott, Marc Chagall and part of Mackle were transferred to my riding. It is for this reason we have Isadore Goldberg Park.  Isadore’s niece, her kids and his brother and sister-in-law are my constituents. Because of the park, Isadore and I remained connected. In fact it was only a few months ago that I shared with him the exciting news that Director of Public Works Beatrice Newman and her team were not only beautifying the park under his  name, but his dream of having the sign moved  to  a proper walkway was also about to come true. A rededication of the park was set  for the spring and Isadore told me at the last Remembrance Day in November that he was very excited.


Here I am with Isadore just a few months ago at City Hall.


Isadore was full of pep and energy that day. He had all of his faculties and while  he needed a walker to get around, that did not hold him back.  That day I told him that a nephew of his living in Japan had read my blog about his park and reached out to me. Isadore allowed me to record a video message to the nephew, which was very well received. 

Isadore was well regarded by his constituents. He faced opposition in most elections, but nobody could beat him. At public events my late  dad Larry would introduce him  as the man who would stand  outside  on MacDonald Avenue to find everyone parking spots.

According to Isadore’s family his health was pretty good until a few months ago. Some stressful issues at his apartment building had a bad effect on him and soon after he was hospitalized, complaining of dizziness and dehydration.   He did not improve and died peacefully in his sleep. Sadly for him he did  not have the opportunity to move into the new apartment that awaited him at B’nai Brith House.

Our condolences go to his family. 

Here is a video that Mayor Mitchell Brownstein did with him just last May, produced by Darryl Levine.


See Glenn J. Nashen's blog.


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