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Efforts made to resolve parking disturbances at the Meadows by JPPS-Bialik parents

Today  I met with JPPS-Bialik Co-Heads of School Avi Satov and Marnie Stein and President Lee Wise, along with Mark Sidloi and Regine Banon from the Meadows Condominium executive.

During the 13 years I have been on council, we deal with different issues regarding JPPS-Bialik parents blocking access to driveways and more recently parking their vehicles during pickup time in the private Meadows parking lot on Kildare Road.

The JPPS-Bialik team have always done their best to work with us and I must emphasize that the perpetrators are a small minority of parents.

With the Passover Break now underway, the JPPS-Bialik administration will communicate with parents again upon the school’s return and repeat the ground rules. I will be speaking with our Public Safety Department and VCOPs to see if  they can help.  Avi and Marnie themselves will try and police the lot.


With the arrival of JPPS to the building a few years ago, there are now 600 students in that building so traffic has naturally increased.

“The school recognizes that this is a real and pressing issue and in no way condones the disrespectful behaviour that was displayed,”   reads a statement from Avi and Marnie.  “Clear instructions to refrain from parking at the Meadows have gone out to our parent body several times this school year, from both our principals' desks and our parent Safety and Security committee.”­­­­

In response to recent confrontation between some illegally parted parents and Meadows residents,  another strong email was sent by the school administration. “We certainly understand and share your frustration,” they added.  

 We will stay on top of this issue.


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I am a resident at the Meadows and I understand the limitations a school can have in the sense of imposing a consequence on those who choose to break the rules, no matter how small the group can be.
I think that what works is a partnership with the school and residents, by which the school can provide support to fund building if a gate and a basic surveillance system.
This is a quick and easy fix both on the relationship side and on the appeasement side.
A gate with manage the traffic and cameras will deter those who still try to break the rules.
Bialik-JPPS does not lack funding and I’m sure the administrators have better things to do than patrol, this way the school gets a better ROE on its staff and conflict with its neighbours who rent spaces to their staff btw.
Mike, thank you for always looking for diplomatic ways of getting people together and talk.
Happy Passover to you and your readers.

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