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District 2 winners from annual Maisons Fleuries contest

Sidney Benizri and I emcee the ceremony.

I was very pleased once again to co-host the annual Maisons Fleuries Contest Awards Ceremony, along with Councillor Sidney Benizr as we recognized excellence in floral arrangements This year we switched up the format. A dessert reception was held at City Hall before the  ceremony, which took place in the council chamber prior to our monthly public meeting rather than the standalone event we have organized in previous years.

Awards were presented in five categories: single family and semi-detached dwellings; duplexes; townhouses ; highrise  (apartment and condominiums); and institutions (church, hospital and synagogue).

In another change to our format we announced all winners by district.


Mayor Brownstein and I congratulate some of the District 2 winners.


For District 2 here were the results.

Single Family

D2 SF 1 - 5720 Park Place

1st place 5720 Park Place – Dong Chun and Bing Zhao



D2 TH 1- 6562 Kildare

1st place 6562 Kildare –   Harry  and Gloria Freedman.

2nd place 6532 Mackle – Terry Wolkove and Gerry Trager

3rd place 6602 Mackle – Sandra Raphael and Robert Lubarsky

D2 TH 3 - 6602 Mackle

3rd place 6604 Mackle – Carole Tauer



1st place 5840 Marc Chagall – Le Bellagio

2nd place 5700 Rembrandt – L’Hermitage Condominiums

D2 HR 2 - 5700 Rembrandt

3rd place 6500 Mackle – Le Rothchild #1

Thanks to Maisons Fleuries  coordinator Laura Trihas, Parks and Recreation Director Cornelia Ziga, the judges and of course our wonderful photographer Rami Negev.


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Congratulations! all winner of Annual Maisons Fleuries contest.


Hi Mike
Where we can find the pictures and video for other districts of city of Côte Saint Luc?
Can you please post the link ?
Thanks 🙏🏼


Thanks for sharing!

Jean François Pfister

Could you please give me the mail of François Pfister and Véronique.
They were among the winnest of 2019
His grand father and mine were brothers and I am tying to reach François from Switzerland.
Jean-françois Pfister

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