This disturbing incident took place in CSL District 2
In Côte Saint-Luc we are very proud about how we handled snow clearing

Public meeting set for April 3 on proposed new synagogue on Mackle Road

At the most recent Public Council Meeting the City of Côte Saint-Luc dealt with a request from the Fondation Sepharade Kollel Avrechim,  who wish to construct a synagogue on Mackle Road, backing onto the Cavendish Mall parking lot. In recent years, the new homes on Kellert, and the four lots on Mackle between Kellert and the Mall parking entrance were added to District 6, which Coucillor Glenn J. Nashen represents. This property is the eastern-most point in the district. The property border on my District 2.

There will be  provincially-mandated public information meeting on April 3, 2017 at 7:30 P.M. as required by law. Interested residents should attend this meeting at City Hall to learn about the project, ask questions and get answers in order to decide for themselves if they agree with the rezoning.

You can read Councillor Nashen`s blog  here for all of the details.



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