CSL's Men's Club stages another outstanding annual gala
An extraordinary Maisons Fleuries Awards ceremony includes touching honour for the Van Egmonds

Côte Saint-Luc recognizes its volunteers at special movie night

The City of Côte Saint-Luc recognized  its volunteers on Thursday evening, November 3 with a different kind of event than in years past. Everyone was invited to the Cineplex Theatres at the Quartier Cavendish where they were ushered into one of two cinemas, given a choice of drinks and snacks and treated to a screening of the comedy motion picture Keeping Up With the Jones`.

Roy Salomon


This year`s award winners were showcased via video on the big screen. Technical difficulties in one  of the rooms caused somewhat of a glitch. But here is the video and a detailed summary of the award winners.

Community Services Award - Recognizes a volunteer couple for exceptional contribution to the community special events programs;

2016 Bernie & Joan King

Bernie and Joan were longtime residents of CSL and were extremely active on many committees. Although they moved to neighboring NDG right on the border of CSL they continue being active on Special Events. During the past 20 some odd years they have been dedicated judges on the Maisons Fleuries Contest. Their dependability, integrity and willingness have been of major service to this Special Event. What may sound easy the judging of homes for floral display is not so easy? Going out for hours at a time for several days in 30° plus July heat is not an easy task. They are often because of their impartiality called upon to judge several districts and to final judge when there are tie scores in other districts. In short most deserving of this award,

William E Kesler Memorial Trophy – Recognizes a volunteer for their exceptional contribution to the Parks and Recreation special events programs;

2016 Steven Monk

Steven has been a volunteer member of the Côte Saint-Luc Minor Hockey Association for well over a decade. Aside from many years spent coaching, Steven has served in the capacity of coaching coordinator on the executive for many years where he was a liaison with the associations coaches and was always available to assist the coaches with any issues that arose. Steven has also worked with the associations developers to act as a liaison with the coaches, as well as establish a plan for the overall development of the players in the hockey program. Even after his own children graduated from the program, Steven continues to remain involved in these capacities.

Royal Canadian Legion Brigadier Frederick Kisch, Branch # 97 Award, Recognizes the Youth Volunteer of the Year , a “leader of tomorrow”, for outstanding efforts in making a difference in Cote Saint-Luc through volunteer activities.

2016 Alison Levine

Alison was born and raised in Montreal, Canada and is 26 years old. She is an athlete in the sport of boccia. Boccia is a Paralympic sport of precision, concentration, and muscle control. She plays in the BC4 category which is for athletes with severe disabilities affecting the whole body, other than cerebral palsy. She has played many adapted sports in the past from wheelchair rugby but now concentrate on boccia as it is physically the only sport suited for her level of disability. If it were not for her disability she feels she would probably never have had the opportunity or honor to represent her country or get to spend her days playing a sport she loves. Paralympic sport requires her to push through barriers to achieve her goals, allows her to be proud of who she is no matter how she looks, and gives her the courage to be the best that she can be. She has won in 2016 the European World Open (Portugal) Doubles = Silver, American World Open (Montreal) Doubles = Silver and the American World Open (Montreal) Individuals = Bronze. In 2015 she won the Parapan American Games (Toronto) Doubles = Silver, World Open Championships (Poland) Doubles = Silver, World Open Championships (Poland) Individual = Silver and Americas Team and Pair Championships Doubles = Gold. In 2014 she won the Boccia Masters Portugal Doubles = Bronze.

Socio-Cultural Award, Recognizes a volunteer for their exceptional contribution to the City’s socio-cultural programs;

2016 Mark Cohen

The Library would like to nominate Mark Cohen who has founded and been running the weekly adult chess program since February 2014. This program has been very successful. Mark facilitates sanctioned tournaments and is an excellent instructor devoting many hours to the community. Since its inception, children’s chess has become very popular at the Library as well.

Special Recognition Award

2016 Isabella Pucciarelli

Isabella has already worn a few hats during her time as a volunteer in the Children’s Department at the Côte Saint-Luc Library. She began volunteering with us when she was 12 years old and consistently impressed the staff with her dedication to the program and her sunny disposition. Isabella is always seeking out more opportunities to help. When she was just a few weeks away from turning 13, she took the initiative to ask if she could graduate from Early Volunteering Program to become a Reading Buddy. In a short period of time, Isabella has already helped several elementary school students become more confident readers. Her enthusiasm and passion for reading are infectious. She is a natural mentor, and never fails to inspire her Reading Buddies. It is clear that Isabella will be an advocate for libraries and will be giving back to her community for years to come.

 Hazel Lipes Award - Recognizes a volunteer for their exceptional contribution to the Community Services Programs.

2016 Philip Goldberg

Phil Goldberg has been the art teacher for the Côte Saint-Luc Men’s Club for nearly 12 years. Meeting every Wednesday morning with his beginners’ class, and Friday mornings with his more experienced participants, Phil has put his heart, soul, and immense talent into turning out gifted painters. Phil creates a sense of camaraderie and enthusiasm among his devoted students. 

 EMS Award – Excellence in operations

2016 Or Hilzenrat

The EMS Excellence in Operations award goes to Or Hilzenrat. Since being promoted to Lieutenant of Logistics last year, Or continues to excel in this branch. He has taken ownership of our equipment and logistics and is always stepping forward with new ideas to improve our systems and processes. Often working behind the scenes, Or is a great member of the EMS team.

EMS Award – Excellence in training

2016 Mark Metivier

The EMS Excellence in Training award goes to Mark Metivier. Mark was recently named Captain of Training, after having served as the Lieutenant for a number of years. Under Mark's leadership and instruction, we have streamlined our training, recruiting, coaching and quality assurance processes for our members. Now, we are able to better track our members from new recruit to seasoned vet, ensuring that they remain up-to-date with their clinical, training and quality assurance requirements.

EMS AWARD – Rookie of the Year

2016 Bev Mitelman

Our Rookie of the Year award goes to Bev Mitelman, in recognition of her contributions to EMS within the first year of service. In addition to getting fully immersed as a new EMS medic, Bev is actively involved in our community outreach and fundraising strategies, bringing her professional experience and her engaging personality to the benefit of EMS.

 vCOP Award

2016 Bert Rabinovitch 

The vCOP Award is given to Bert Rabinovitch in recognition of his on-going efforts with the vCOP smoke detector brigade program. Bert has been instrumental in developing this program, getting it off the ground and continues to lead this team of volunteers that goes door-to-door checking residents' smoke detectors and replacing batteries, helping in a tangible way to reduce the number of fire-related damages and deaths.

Eco Award, Recognizes a volunteer who has demonstrated leadership in the promotion of environmental advocacy and action within the community. (Missing Inscription)

2016 Dr. Mandie Aaron 

Dr. Mandie Aaron, the unofficial den mother to about 75 gardeners is the dedicated president and coordinator of the volunteer-run Côte Saint-Luc Seniors'Community Garden.  She came to know the garden by helping her mother, who has had an allotment for more than 20 years. As her involvement with the garden grew, she began to help other gardeners, too, four years ago she was elected garden president and coordinator. Today Mandie gardens in two allotments — her own and one she grows for MADA, a community organization that helps to feed those in need.

Sports Award, Recognizes a volunteer for exceptional contributions to the community sports programs;

2016 Darin Barney

Darin is a dedicated parent who has embraced the idea of volunteering for the good of the Côte Saint-Luc swim team. Over the last few years Darin has dedicated himself to become a fully qualified official and has spent countless evenings in seminars learning the intricacies of the various positions needed during a competition.  Darin does not only volunteer at home competitions, but also represents CSLA at all our competitions, weather they are local or out of town. Darin represented our organization at the Canadian Age Group Nationals in Calgary, as well as the Québec Games in Montreal. A respected official, Darin provides a positive image for the City and shows, through his actions, the unbiased professionalism that volunteer officials aspire to attain.

Stewart Mankofsky Memorial Trophy, presented to the athlete / volunteer who best exemplifies the qualities of dedication, sportsmanship, and love of competition.

2016 Jordan Glazer

Jordan, a Côte Saint –Luc resident, is a dedicated athlete to the game of baseball. Jordan played a number of years in the intercommunity Baseball league and was a dominant player. Jordan also played with NDG Baseball for over 10 years and was a member of 10 NDG All-Star teams, won four Provincial Championships and appeared in three Canadian National Tournaments. Jordan has won numerous individual awards including being named NDG Baseball’s Borough Athlete of the year in 2009 and at the 2013 Junior League Canadian Nationals. Jordan finished the tournament with the 6th best batting average amongst all tournament players. For the past two seasons, Jordan has been a member of the Midget AAA baseball program where he has been one of the team’s top hitters and pitchers. In addition to his playing career, Jordan has spent time doing charity work with the Montreal Torah Center for helping to feed the needy in the community. He has also volunteered time to help build homes in Africa.

Gerry Weinstein Ambassador of the Year, Honours the Cote Saint-Luc citizen best portraying charitable qualities and serving the community at large

2016 Roy Salomon

Roy has received numerous awards for his volunteer contribution to the sports community. He has served as Honorary Co-President of the Maccabiah Games in Israel in July of 2013. He has also been Vice-President and Honorary President of the YM-YWHA and received the Norah and Joe Rubin Leadership Award for 50 years of involvement with the organization. From 1981-85, Roy served as National Athletic Chair promoting Canadian Jewish athletes. Roy began an eight year term as President of Macabbi Canada in 1990. In 1995, Roy was inducted into the Montreal Jewish Sports Hall of Fame. In 2001 Roy was recipient of the prestigious Yakir Maccabi Award.  In 2013, Roy was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, marking the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II accession to the Throne, for giving selflessly in service of his community. Roy is an exceptional human being and is a true Ambassador making all of us extremely proud to have him call Côte Saint-Luc his home.

Volunteer of the Year – Aquatics Program

2016 Michèle Castonguay

Having been a pivotal linchpin to the success of the swim team at Cote Saint-Luc Michele Castonguay has given tirelessly since the inception in 2011. During the year of 2015-2016 the competitions held at Cote Saint-Luc have operated flawlessly under her guidance and preparation of officials and presence. She has led and mentored over 100 other volunteers over the course of the year to achieve qualifications in officiating and has been instrumental in creating a volunteer culture at Cote Saint-Luc aquatics! While this last season has been Michele's final season leading the officials we are confident that the charges she has developed will continue her high standards and quality of leadership. Michele is always welcome to Cote saint-Luc and we wish her the very best!

Edward J. Kirwan Award – Honours the Volunteer of the Year for exceptional contribution to the community Parks and Recreation programs;

2016 Rhonda Shechtman

A volunteer at the Côte Saint-Luc Tennis Club for over 20 years, Rhonda has served in various capacities on the executive since 2006 (President from 2013-2015) Rhonda has been instrumental in assisting the City in determining the best avenue for achieving the long term sustainability at the club. Her roles include marketing coordinator (social media, newsletter/ application form/ event posters), secretary and her contributions to the development of the club's business plan. Her commitment and dedication has been truly admirable. 

Lifetime Achievement

2016 Joseph Panunto

Ever since he moved to Côte Saint-Luc in 1978 Joe Panunto has been actively involved in the community in various social, educational, religious, cultural, political, and sports related activities.  He served as City Counsellor from 1994-1998 and served on the planning and financial committees. He currently heads and plays recreational volleyball.  He proposed and actively participated in the setting up of the very successful soccer program here in Côte Saint-Luc. As a parishioner of St. Richard’s Catholic Church, he has served as Warden, sat on the Parish Council, was the President the Men’s Club, organized yearly barbeques at St. Patrick’s Square, has overseen renovations in the church, and organized many fund raising events over the past 38 years.  He is currently a Eucharistic minister, usher, and reader in the parish, and has acted as liaison between the City Council and the Parish.  As an involved member of the community he served as a committee member of the Côte Saint-Luc Wine-making Contest (which he won prizes in 2008 and 2009, and last year he was the winner of the Maison Fleuries contest in District 7.  On the political scene, he has been very active in the D’Arcy McGee Quebec Liberal Party Riding Association and has held the position of ethnic Councillor since 1998.   Joe has been married to Brenda for 47 years, has 2 children Stephen and Sarah, and is the very proud grandfather of Aurora and Brennan.  A fervent believer in volunteerism and the altruism of “do unto other as you would have them do unto you” and “where there is a will there is a way”, he continues to be involved and encourage others to become involved in the very vibrant community that is Côte Saint-Luc.

Lauréats des prix de bénévolat 2016

Les lauréats des prix de bénévolat de Côte Saint-Luc 2009 sont énumérés ci-dessous. Félicitations à tous les récipiendaires et merci à tous ceux offrent de leur temps à notre communauté.

  • Prix de l’ambassadeur de l’année Gerry Weinstein : Honore un citoyen de Côte Saint-Luc illustrant le mieux les qualités charitables du service à l’ensemble de la communauté. Le prix de cette année est décerné à Roy Salomon.
  • Prix des événement spéciaux communautaires : En reconnaissance de la contribution exceptionnelle d’un bénévole aux programmes communautaires d’événements spéciaux. Le prix de cette année est décerné à Bernie & Joan King.
  • Trophée Mémorial William E Kesler : En reconnaissance de la contribution exceptionnelle d’un bénévole aux programmes d’événements spéciaux des Loisirs et des parcs. Le prix de cette année est décerné à Steven Monk.
  • Prix de la légion royale canadienne Brigadier Frederick Kisch, filiale #97 : En reconnaissance des efforts exceptionnels du jeune bénévole de l’année, un « leader de demain » visant à faire la différence à Côte Saint-Luc par ses activités bénévoles. Le prix de cette année est décerné à Alison Levine.
  • Prix socioculturel : En reconnaissance de la contribution exceptionnelle d’un bénévole aux programmes socioculturels des Loisirs et des parcs. Le prix de cette année est décerné à Mark Cohen.
  • Prix spécial de reconnaissance : Honore un bénévole pour sa contribution significative aux activités récréatives des Loisirs et des parcs pendant plusieurs années. Ce prix reconnaît les accomplissements spéciaux au niveau communautaire. Le prix de cette année est décerné à Isabella Pucciarelli.
  • Prix Hazel Lipes : En reconnaissance de la contribution exceptionnelle d’un bénévole aux programmes des Services communautaires. Le prix de cette année est décerné à Philip Goldberg.
  • Prix des services médicaux d’urgence : En reconnaissance de la contribution exceptionnelle, de la conscience professionnelle et des qualités de leadership d’un bénévole des Services médicaux d’urgence. Le premier prix d'excellence en gestion des SMU est décerné à Or Hilzenrat. Le deuxième prix d'excellence en excellence enseignement des SMU est décerné à Mark Metivier. Le troisième prix des SMU pour la recrue de l'année est décerné à Bev Mitelman. 
  • Prix vCOP :  En reconnaissance de la contribution exceptionnelle d’un bénévole en tant que leader de la promotion de la sécurité dans la communauté. Le prix de cette année est décerné à Bert Rabinovitch.
  • Prix ECO : En reconnaissance d’un bénévole ayant fait preuve de leadership dans la défense et la promotion de l’action environnementale dans la communauté. Le prix de cette année est décerné à Mandie Aaron.
  • Prix sportif : En reconnaissance de la contribution exceptionnelle d’un bénévole aux programmes de sports communautaires. Le prix de cette année est décerné à Darin Barney.
  • Trophée Mémorial Stewart Mankofsky : Honore un athlète/bénévole qui personnifie des qualités de dévouement, d'esprit sportif, et une passion pour la compétition. Le prix de cette année est décerné à Matthew Zeitz.
  • Prix Edward J. Kirwan : Honore le bénévole de l’année pour sa contribution exceptionnelle aux programmes communautaires des Loisirs et des parcs. Le prix de cette année est décerné à Rhonda Shechtman.
  • Prix d’excellence pour l’oeuvre de toute une vie en reconnaissance d'une contribution et d’un dévouement exceptionnel. Le prix de cette année est décerné à Joseph Panunto.




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