Econofitness opens at Quartier Cavendish
June 14, 2016
Welcome to Côte Saint-Luc`s District 2 Econofitness!
The former Bureau en Gros locale at Quartier Cavendish is no longer vacant. Today I attended the official opening of a brand new health club called Éconofitness, a division of Energie Cardio. It took about six weeks and $1 million to transform the one-time office supplies stores into a state-of-the-art gym and it looks absolutely beautiful. People were signing up on the spot and why not? It is only $120 a year, payable at $10 a month.
Éconofitness is a growing chain. There are more than 40 locations across the province right now and they expect to hit 50 by the end of the summer.
Alain Beaudry, the president of Energie Cardio, was on hand for the opening. He said that Quartier Cavendish officials were the ones that approached him first. "They told me that the Bureau en Gros location was available," he noted. "We came to take a look. It was the right size and for us we were happy to come into Côte Saint-Luc."
This development might not be great news for the West End Gym, which only recently relocated from the Côte Saint-Luc Shopping Centre to Cavendish Club. Éconofitness is all on one floor. Members have access to over 50 cardiovascular machines, a wide choice of strength training machines and free weights (5-75 lb). Large screen TVs are placed strategically around the club. You have access to a 30-minute express circuit and both virtual group fitness and velocycle classes. There are regular group fitness classes, a hydro massage bed, tanning machines andmassage chairs. You can sign up for a plan that is more expensive than $120, whereby a lot of other options come along. It is all well explained on their website.
The hours of operation are 6 am to 11 pm weekdays and 8 am to 8 pm on weekends. You can follow them on Facebook as well.
Ouverture d’un centre Éconofitness à Côte-St-Luc
Ils étaient près de 200 personnes à la soirée d’ouverture du Éconofitness Côte St-Luc/Quartier Cavendish le 14 juin dernier. Côte St-Luc/Quartier Cavendish. Déjà établie dans la grande région métropolitaine avec 19 succursales et détenant bientôt 46 gyms partout au Québec, la bannière Éconofitness aura bientôt pignon sur rue au 5800, boulevard Cavendish. Plus de 61 000 Montréalais profitent déjà du plus grand réseau d’entrainement libre au Québec!
Avec un investissement d’un million de dollars, ce nouveau gym offrira, une salle d’entrainement au gout du jour avec de l’équipement neuf de grande qualité et plus de 200 heures de cours en groupe et de cours de vélo intérieur avec instructeur sur écrans géants à chaque semaine.
En plus de profiter d’un super beau gym à très bas prix, il sera aussi possible de s’entrainer efficacement en peu de temps grâce au Circuit express 30 minutes, à l’intérieur d’heures d’ouvertures élargies. Il est à savoir que les services de la Zone Platine (bronzage, lit d’hydromassage et chaises de massage à volonté) seront également disponibles.
L’enthousiasme de la clientèle pour le concept est indéniable. « Les membres sont heureux d’avoir accès à un gym qui convient à leurs besoins et leur budget. », affirme Judith Fleurant, vice-présidente, responsable du développement et de l’implantation d’Éconofitness au Québec.
Il est donc heureux de savoir que la bannière comptera 46 gyms sur le territoire québécois d’ici cet automne. À l’ouverture de la succursale de Dorval s’ajoutent 8 ouvertures dans le grand Montréal, une en Montérégie, deux dans le centre-du-Québec, une à Rimouski et une à Québec au cours des prochains mois. Confiant de la valeur de son concept et de l’intérêt de la population pour celui-ci, Éconofitness prévoit agrandir le réseau à 50 gyms d’ici 2017.
Présent sur le marché québécois de l’entrainement physique depuis 2013 et comptant bientôt 50 succursales, Éconofitness est un concept de gyms libre-service à bas prix rendant l’entrainement en salle et les cours en groupe accessibles à un grand nombre de Québécois. Équipement de qualité et environnement sans prétention sont à la base du concept. Membre de la chaîne canadienne GoodLife Fitness, Éconofitness fait partie du quatrième plus grand réseau d’entrainement physique au monde, soit plus de 320 centres au Canada.
Congratulations Alain and team!
In commercial real estate, we've seen a huge influx of new health and fitness gyms popping up these days. You are riding a wave that I expect will be around for sometime - from baby-boomers looking to stay healthy to the younger millennials who are taking care of their fitness- all good for health clubs.
At $120/year (I had to read that twice to make sure it wasn't a month)- there is NO reason why you can't fill up that beautiful space.
Good luck Éconofitness, remember to keep your weight room, equipment, bathrooms and retail space nice and clean for your customers and I'm sure you'll have a successful venture.
Next time I'm in Cape Breton visiting family, I"ll stop in for a workout.
Posted by: Shane | June 23, 2016 at 07:17 PM
I am a member in this club. Please install a button to open the outside door. I am handicapped and I find it difficult to enter the gym.
Thank you.
Harriet Schneider, Oct. 7, 2016
Posted by: Harriet schneider | October 08, 2016 at 03:03 AM
You will have to contact the club directly.
Posted by: Michael J. Cohen | October 31, 2016 at 08:02 AM
Shane - if you run around Cape Breton looking for Econofitness, you will get an excellent workout and you will save yourself $10 a month
Posted by: Steven Kohl | February 07, 2017 at 02:40 PM
This gym treat me and scamming me two day ago I registeration online but I didn’t use it anymore and after that I came to cancel I see I have to pay 10% of contract and they didn’t say you didn’t give money back and when i calling them they say we don’t care I recommend everyone never going to econofitness it’a very bad gym
Me personally never ever register in this shit gym
Posted by: kia farivar | September 19, 2019 at 10:40 PM
I'm a member at Econofitness Cavendish. I don't understand why you charged me fees for April and May since Econofitness is closed since March 16th. Can you please credit my account for these 2 months and stop my membership for the rest of the year. Thank you very much. (15.23$/month x 2).
Nicole Moyal
[email protected]
Telephone : 514 / 483-1893
514 / 836-4893
Posted by: Nicole Moya | May 19, 2020 at 11:29 AM
As Cote St.Luc is now in a RED zone, I was very disturbed when yesterday October 1st, I walked in the food court entrance wearing a mask ( my husband passed away in May from the Covid 19 virus ) going into the $ store and just ahead of me a women and her daughter walked in without masks walking towards the Optician. Is there not a Guard to watch out for people coming into the mall without masks? At this critical time I think that the Mall should have a more diligent security system for people who don't follow the strict guidelines the government has imposed for our safety .
Posted by: Anna Nadler | October 02, 2020 at 12:05 PM