Experiencing a day of remembrance in Côte Saint-Luc at VE Day and Yom Hashoah
First Animal Protection Forum in CSL is Monday, May 5

Police Station 9's Bike Patrol is on the road

Residents of Côte Saint-Luc, Hampstead and Montreal West have probably already seen agents Élyanne Caouette and Josée Bergeron from Police Station 9's 2014 Bike Patrol.

BIke Patrol

Police Commander Marc Cournoyer notes that these agents can intervene just like any other member of his time. But being on bicycles does have it advantages, allowing them to better patrol parks, lanes and small areas.

The agents will also be present at different safety workshops at parks and camps during the summer months. In fact, they have a mandate to actively approach youngsters and seniors to see if they need any help. This includes inscribing bicyles to guard against theft. Call 514 796-7813 to take advantage of this service.



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xe dap dien

Police Commander Marc Cournoyer notes that these agents can intervene just like any other member of his time. But being on bicycles does have it advantages, allowing them to better patrol parks, lanes and small areas.

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