Ilan Ramon Residents Pleased
Mayor Housefather Announces Council Portfolios

District 2 Residents Shine in Maison Fleuries

The annual Maison Fleuries award ceremony, which honours residents who beautify their gardens, took place recently at City Hall. As Mayor Anthony Housefather so accurately pointed out, "I am proud to see such beautiful gardens in our community. Those who carefully tend to their lawns, gardens and flower beds enhance the beauty of our city and enhance everyone’s appreciation for our all-too-short summer months."

Awards were presented to residents in the following categories: single-family home, duplex or townhouse. All apartment buildings, commercial establishments and public buildings were automatically entered in the contest. Each of the eight city districts had a winner in each category. Judges assessed front gardens according to the cleanliness of the property, the appearance of plants and flowers and general landscaping.

The Maison Fleuries contest was chaired by former Councillor Harold Greenspon   and present-day Councillors Allan J. Levine and Steven Erdelyi.

Taking first place in District 2 was Ilan Ramon resident Frank Palucci (below right with his daughter), a man I am proud to call my constituent. Frank takes tremendous pride in his garden. In the Apartment/Condominium category first place went to Le Rothchild, I condominium at 6500 Mackle (accepted by Stephen Segal and Jay Kazenel) and second place to Le Bellagio at 5840 Marc Chagall (accepted by Jacques Berkowitz and Mackle Manor—actually in District 8 ( accepted by Anna Mercer and Brenda Soobis), all pictured bottom left.MaisonsFleuriesPalucci

There were a few other winners from District 2: in the Town House category Bonnie Solti of Cambridge Court came in second place ; in the Town House Elite category, Angéline Lawrence of Merrimac Road came in third place. Manoir Montefiore on Mackle Road finished in third place in the Senior Residence category.

Congratulations to Rami Negev who once again took the very beautiful photos of all the arrangements.

At the ceremony itself, Edwin Orian Brownell was at the keyboard. He played a different tune as each winner came to the stage. It certainly added to the festive atmosphere. Check out the man I called "Sir Edwin" at



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